
distraction是什么意思 distraction在线翻译 distraction什么意思 distraction的意思 distraction的翻译 distraction的解释 distraction的发音

distraction [dɪˈstrækʃn]  [dɪˈstrækʃən] 


distraction 基本解释


名词注意力分散; 娱乐,消遣; 心烦意乱; 精神错乱

distraction 相关例句


1. There are plenty of distractions here.

2. The child's continual crying drove me to distraction.

3. There are too many distractions here to work properly.

4. distraction的近义词

4. He complained that there were not enough distractions in the town.

5. There are too many distractions in the hotel for me to work properly.

distraction 网络解释

1. 分心:Virilio用这个词汇来指称,运用引诱(decoy),分心(distraction),和误导(迷惑)(disinformation)等一堆技术,来构成现代英文意义中经典的「欺蒙」策略. 然而,这个标题更直接地暗示了「可能有意的」失望和幻灭,这也是大规模的联军在前南斯拉夫行动之后所留下来.

2. distraction

2. 牵引:此外在固定器植入时,手术过程中牵引(distraction)力量的施加及病人姿势的不同皆会影响固定器内的受力. 不稳定脊椎通常会藉由后方植入脊椎内固定器,并配合前方植入补骨进行前方椎间融合(Anterior interbody fusion)手术以达到再稳定的功效.

distraction 词典解释

1. 分散注意力的事;使人分心的事
    A distraction is something that turns your attention away from something you want to concentrate on.

    e.g. I feel this is getting to be a distraction from what I really want to do...
    e.g. Total concentration is required with no distractions.

2. 娱乐;消遣
    A distraction is an activity which is intended to entertain and amuse you.

    e.g. ...every conceivable distraction from show jumping to bouncy castles...
    e.g. Their national distraction is going to the disco.

3. 让人心烦意乱;让人恼火
    If you say that something or someone drives you to distraction, you are emphasizing that they annoy you a great deal.

    e.g. A very clingy child can drive a parent to distraction.

distraction 单语例句

1. SHANGHAI - Adam Scott believes his caddie's racial comment about former boss Tiger Woods was taken out of context and wasn't a distraction to him.

2. And he has at times appeared to view football as an irksome, if lucrative distraction from drinking and cigar smoking.

3. Former Clipper Maurice Taylor said the trade rumors haven't been a distraction.

4. NTSB spokesman Keith Holloway said fatigue and cockpit distraction are factors that will be looked into.

5. Materazzi's goal helped knock out the Czech Republic and provided a pleasant distraction from a soccer corruption scandal back home.

6. The actress has angrily dismissed claims that her steamy sex scene in new movie The Black Dahlia is an unnecessary distraction.

7. After all, these recreations aren't much distraction from someone I really hold dear to my heart.

8. The distraction threw their plans in disarray and deprived the singer time for rehearsal.

9. Disproportion in gender is indeed a serious problem, but to treat it as a threat to international security is an unwarranted distraction.

10. " I don't want to be a distraction on this team, " Iverson said.

distraction 英英释义



1. the act of distracting
    drawing someone's attention away from something

    e.g. conjurers are experts at misdirection

    Synonym: misdirection

2. an entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations

    Synonym: beguilement

3. mental turmoil

    e.g. he drives me to distraction

4. an obstacle to attention

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