
divest是什么意思 divest在线翻译 divest什么意思 divest的意思 divest的翻译 divest的解释 divest的发音 divest的同义词 divest的反义词 divest的例句

divest [daɪˈvest]  [dɪˈvɛst, daɪ-] 


divest 基本解释

及物动词剥夺; 脱去(衣服); 2。从…取去…; 1。(给某人)脱衣服

divest 相关词组

1. divest oneself of : 脱衣, 摆脱, 抛弃;

divest 相关例句


1. The wind divested the tree of their leaves.

2. divest的近义词

2. The police divested the pretended officer of his stolen uniform.

3. I cannot divest myself of the idea.

divest 网络解释

1. divest的意思

1. 撤退:策略目标有四种: 建立(Build)、维持(Hold)、收割(Harvest)及撤退(Divest). 图7为大家清楚的指出,如何根据矩阵中的明星、问题儿童、金牛及老狗去设定策略目标. BCG矩阵法为大家提供了一个清楚的框架,指引出策略思考的方向.

2. divest的解释

2. 剥夺:然而,可对抗针对他人行使的、普遍的安全保障权,与国家或公共权力机构具有的征收或剥夺(divest)的权力并不矛盾. 从财产保障的角度来看,当征收发生时,支付充分的赔偿是很重要的;但是,假如以支付赔偿为条件的普遍而具有征收的一般权力,

3. 出让:divest 撤退 | divest 出让 | divestment or liquidation 收回投资或清算

4. 脱去,剥除:divert 转入,转向,自娱,消遣 | divest 脱去,剥除 | divorce 离婚,分开

divest 词典解释

1. 使摆脱;使丢弃;使放弃
    If you divest yourself of something that you own or are responsible for, you get rid of it or stop being responsible for it.

    e.g. The company divested itself of its oil interests.

2. 使失去;剥夺
    If something or someone is divested of a particular quality, they lose that quality or it is taken away from them.

    e.g. ...in the 1960s, when sexual love had been divested of sin...
    e.g. They have divested rituals of their original meaning...

3. 使脱去;使放下
    If you divest someone of something that they are wearing or carrying, you take it off them or away from them.

    e.g. ...the formalities of divesting her of her coat.
    e.g. ...detectors installed at the entrances to make youngsters divest themselves of guns and knives.

divest 单语例句

1. Its sources said negotiations could resume if markets stabilize because both GM and Cerberus want to quickly divest the assets under discussion.

2. If China invests in the United States, it would divest from holding US Treasury bonds.

3. That comment came in the same week as news broke that Philips planned to divest 50 more factories around the world.

4. So the central task at local levels is to divest local watchdogs from narrow regional interests.

5. Arrangements are being made to divest the Housing Authority's car park and shopping mall operations and they are expected to yield HK $ 20 billion.

6. The department's antitrust division required only that the companies divest a helicopter engine unit and give some engine maintenance work to a competitor.

7. The group had initially planned to divest itself of assets this year worth two billion euros.


divest 英英释义


1. remove (someone's or one's own) clothes

    e.g. The nurse quickly undressed the accident victim
           She divested herself of her outdoor clothes
           He disinvested himself of his garments

    Synonym: stripundressdisinvest

2. reduce or dispose of
    cease to hold (an investment)

    e.g. The company decided to divest
           the board of trustees divested $20 million in real estate property
           There was pressure on the university to disinvest in South Africa

    Synonym: disinvest

3. take away possessions from someone

    e.g. The Nazis stripped the Jews of all their assets

    Synonym: deprivestrip

4. deprive of status or authority

    e.g. he was divested of his rights and his title
           They disinvested themselves of their rights

    Synonym: disinvest

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