
divulge是什么意思 divulge在线翻译 divulge什么意思 divulge的意思 divulge的翻译 divulge的解释 divulge的发音 divulge的同义词 divulge的反义词

divulge [daɪˈvʌldʒ]  [dɪˈvʌldʒ] 


divulge 基本解释

及物动词泄露; 暴露; 揭发; <古>公布,宣布


divulge 相关例句


1. News men divulged that the two countries had met together secretly several times before they arrived at the peaceful agreement.

divulge 网络解释

1. 泄露:Social engineering指操纵(manipulate)他人行动或者泄露(divulge)保密信息(confidential information),重要用在不用见面的网络世界. 注意这个词还有其它正面意思,如社会工程等. Spin在公关(public relations)领域有创造性地利用事实来影响公众意见(public opinion)的意思,

2. 泄漏,揭穿:divorce 离婚,分开 | divulge 泄漏,揭穿 | ebullient 兴高采烈,沸腾的

3. 泄漏,暴露:divulge: v.泄漏(秘密等) | divulge:泄漏,暴露 | dogmatist: n.教条主义者,武断者

4. 透露:规定stipulate | 透露divulge | 插手meddle

divulge 词典解释

1. 泄露(秘密);透露(信息)
    If you divulge a piece of secret or private information, you tell it to someone.

    e.g. Officials refuse to divulge details of the negotiations...
    e.g. He was charged with divulging state secrets...

divulge 单语例句

1. If his action does not divulge an important secret of the State, he shall not be punished under such disciplinary sanction.

2. The documents require him not to divulge classified information even upon leaving active duty, according to Johnson's letter.

3. Bi Jinbo, a CNS official refused to divulge further details in the yet to be released report.

4. And it seems that very few firms have ever showed any concern for the consequences of what is done with the confidential information they divulge.

5. But he would not divulge what it would be, saying that courtesy dictates that he should leave it to NCPA to make the announcement.

6. Matthew's Parish School, where a spokesman declined to divulge any information.

7. While the above three sites divulge stories with graphic masterpieces, the solar exhibition hall will out into space itself.

8. The law should also force businesses to guard an individual's private information and not divulge or spread it to outsiders.

9. Not only does it divulge a list of " Who's Who " in your life, it also broadcasts the current status of who is with whom.

10. ElBaradei warned Iran Thursday the world would not wait forever for the Islamic republic to divulge the full extent and nature of its nuclear program.

divulge 英英释义


1. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret

    e.g. The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold
           The actress won't reveal how old she is
           bring out the truth
           he broke the news to her
           unwrap the evidence in the murder case

    Synonym: unwrapdiscloselet onbring outrevealdiscoverexposebreakgive awaylet out

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