
dock是什么意思 dock在线翻译 dock什么意思 dock的意思 dock的翻译 dock的解释 dock的发音 dock的同义词 dock的反义词 dock的例句 dock的相关词组

dock [dɒk]  [dɑ:k] 


dock 基本解释

名词码头; 被告席; 草本植物; 尾巴的骨肉部份

及物/不及物动词(使)船停靠码头; 剪短(尾巴等); 削减,缩减(工资等); 在…设置船坞


dock 相关词组

1. in dry dock : 失业;


dock 相关例句


1. The sailors docked the ship.

2. The boss docked a third of my wages.

3. The child's parents docked him of television privileges.


1. The two modules docked in outer space.


1. dock的意思

1. The ship was in dock for major repairs.

dock 网络解释

1. 停靠:CodeWarrior IDE提供了几种处理多窗口的机制:设有可关闭全部窗口组的菜单项,窗口能够自动平铺或叠铺,停靠(dock)型界面可被用作管理工具. Visual Studio的用户界面使用的是一些静态布局的可以拖拽/停靠(dock)的窗口,

2. 船坞:这次Seagate可以说非常的聪明,除了出了一颗大容量高质感的硬碟之外,还用另外贩卖的方式推出了船坞(dock) 跟皮套的组合,当然买东西不能只买半套,所以我又另外多花了一张小朋友把船坞跟皮套给一起带回家了...

3. dock

3. 码头:公鸡(cock)穿着短袜(sock)走,嘲笑(mock)岩石(rock)锁(lock)码头(dock)农场(farm)坚硬(firm)公司(firm),来自(from)泡沫(foam)形式(form). 花费(cost)你(u)我(me)的钱去买服饰一次(an)名词(noun)测试(ce)的通知飞离(谐音)一只跳蚤(flea)飞离了-逃脱

4. 兴建船坞:er)BD兴建船坞(Dock)BE兴建房屋(House)BG兴建粮仓(Granary)BK兴建围城工厂(Siege Workshop)BL兴建马厩(Stable)BM兴建市场(Market)BN兴建市镇中心(Town Center)BP兴建寺庙(Temple)BS兴建仓库转运站(Storage Pit)BT兴建防卫塔(Tower)BW兴建城墙(Wall)BY兴建学院(Academy)3.部队生产(必须先用鼠标选择相关的建筑物)在游戏中,

dock 词典解释

1. 码头;船坞
    A dock is an enclosed area in a harbour where ships go to be loaded, unloaded, and repaired.


    e.g. ...the loading dock...
    e.g. She headed for the docks, thinking that Ricardo might be hiding in one of the boats...

2. (领)(船)入港;(使)(船)靠码头
    When a ship docks or is docked, it is brought into a dock.

    e.g. The vessel docked at Liverpool in April 1811...
           这艘轮船于 1811 年 4 月在利物浦靠岸。
    e.g. Russian commanders docked a huge aircraft carrier in a Russian port...

3. (使)(两飞行器)在太空对接
    When one spacecraft docks or is docked with another, the two crafts join together in space.

    e.g. The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station...
    e.g. They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station...

4. (供运货汽车或铁路货车装卸货物的)月台
    A dock is a platform for loading vehicles or trains.


    e.g. The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.

5. (尤指私人拥有的)船只停泊区
    A dock is a small structure at the edge of water where boats can tie up, especially one that is privately owned.

    e.g. He had a house there and a dock and a little aluminum boat.

6. (法庭上的)被告席
    In a law court, the dock is where the person accused of a crime stands or sits.


    e.g. What about the odd chance that you do put an innocent man in the dock?

7. 扣除(工资);减掉(竞赛中选手的分数)
    If you dock someone's wages or money, you take some of the money away. If you dock someone points in a contest, you take away some of the points that they have.


    e.g. He threatens to dock her fee...
    e.g. To dock points would be wrong.

8. 酸模(常见于英、美等北方国家,叶子可用于治疗荨麻刺伤)
    A dock is a plant with large leaves which grows wild in Britain, the United States, and some other northern countries. Dock leaves are supposed to heal nettle stings.


9. see also: dry dock

dock 单语例句

1. A European cargo ship launched last week from French Guiana is scheduled to dock Thursday morning.

2. " Hu Bin " in the dock looks more like the chubby Zhang Lica in the courtroom pictures.

3. The commander did not tell how many days the strike group will stay, but normally the military ships dock in for two to six days.

4. It could also feature a fast processor and some redesigned accessories, like a smaller dock connector.

5. The port has the biggest container dock in the country and provides navigation services for more than 300 other ports in over 170 countries.

6. Two unmanned spaceships and five manned spaceships will also be launched during the phase to dock on the Tiangong crafts to test the docking technology.

7. Taiwan travelers from Jinmen Island wearing masks debark at a ferry dock Wednesday in Xiamen, a coastal city in Southeastern China's Fujian Province.

8. The shuttle is expected to dock with the ISS on March 17.

9. But Chinese junk dealers say shipments normally dock at Nanhai port in Guangdong, are sorted in warehouses and then trucked to villages around Guiyu in Chaoyang county.

10. Scores of officials and relatives waited on the dock watching small rescue boats with flashing blue lights bring more bodies and survivors.

dock 英英释义


1. a short or shortened tail of certain animals

    Synonym: bobtailbob

2. the solid bony part of the tail of an animal as distinguished from the hair

3. landing in a harbor next to a pier where ships are loaded and unloaded or repaired
    may have gates to let water in or out

    e.g. the ship arrived at the dock more than a day late

    Synonym: dockagedocking facility

4. an enclosure in a court of law where the defendant sits during the trial

5. a platform where trucks or trains can be loaded or unloaded

    Synonym: loading dock

6. a platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles
    provides access to ships and boats

    Synonym: pierwharfwharfage

7. any of certain coarse weedy plants with long taproots, sometimes used as table greens or in folk medicine

    Synonym: sorrelsour grass


1. maneuver into a dock

    e.g. dock the ships

2. remove or shorten the tail of an animal

    Synonym: tailbob

3. come into dock

    e.g. the ship docked

4. deduct from someone's wages

5. deprive someone of benefits, as a penalty

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