
documentation是什么意思 documentation在线翻译 documentation什么意思 documentation的意思 documentation的翻译 documentation的解释 documentation的发音

documentation [ˌdɒkjumenˈteɪʃn]  [ˌdɑ:kjumenˈteɪʃn] 

documentation 基本解释

名词记录; 证明某事属实的证据; 参考资料; 文献的编集,文件分类

documentation 网络解释

1. 文件编制:● 可根据HACCP概念进行文件编制(documentation)带高分辨率不锈钢中空线(fire wire)的彩色扫描摄相仪

2. 文档:对应文件是 Tomcat 安装目录下的 webappsROOT index.jsp.该页面包含很多有用信息,对初学者大有益处,左边由上至下分为 5 个链接块, 内容分别是系统管理(Administration),Tomcat 文档(Documentation),Tomcat 在线服务 (Tomcat Online),

3. documentation

3. 资料:序一言以蔽之,本书是讲文档资料(documentation)的. 是不是听上去很乏味?文档资料是在项目进展过程中准备的一系列文件的集合,在许多情形下,它们都是网站设计的薄弱环节. 毕竟,文件经常以纸面形式呈现,束之高阁后便无人问津. --寒呐!但是,

documentation 词典解释

1. 文件证据;文献资料
    Documentation consists of documents which provide proof or evidence of something, or are a record of something.

    e.g. Passengers must carry proper documentation.

documentation 单语例句

1. And German authorities can exhibit documentation that its Nefertiti bust was legally sold and exported from Egypt to Berlin.

2. Company industry and commerce business license or other valid documentation proving employment unit qualifications, and duplicated copy.

3. The company has said its policy has been to fire employees who can't clear up discrepancies in their documentation.

4. This will impose additional compliance and administrative burdens for both the employer and the employee in terms of preparing the requested documentation for filing purposes.

5. Although Sang's boyfriend was able to obtain the documentation in late March, prices had already crept up.

6. The fair's organizing committee has said all exhibitors and journalists must produce documentation this year to prove they don't have a criminal record.

7. CSA assists students in obtaining any information and documentation required supporting their request for course credit.

8. With a database of more than 33 million patents from around the world, the website carries documentation on 10 industries listed as key sectors in national industrial development.

9. " Rio Tinto and Chinalco will now work on finalising definitive and binding transaction documentation, " the statement said.

10. No documentation was sought to verify the women's claims, which were made anonymously.

documentation 英英释义



1. documentary validation

    e.g. his documentation of the results was excellent
           the strongest support for this view is the work of Jones

    Synonym: support

2. program listings or technical manuals describing the operation and use of programs

    Synonym: software documentation

3. confirmation that some fact or statement is true through the use of documentary evidence

    Synonym: certificationcorroboration

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