
dogfight是什么意思 dogfight在线翻译 dogfight什么意思 dogfight的意思 dogfight的翻译 dogfight的解释 dogfight的发音 dogfight的同义词

dogfight [ˈdɒgfaɪt]  [ˈdɔ:gfaɪt] 


dogfight 基本解释


名词混战; 空战; 缠斗; 狗咬狗



dogfight 网络解释

1. dogfight是什么意思

1. <<春色一箩筐>:当瑞凡 菲尼克斯(River Phoenix)的侧脸出现在画面中River在片中饰演那个出生在爱达荷患有频睡症的麦克(Mike Waters)但事实上,四个月前在<<春色一箩筐>>(Dogfight)拍摄期的剧照里,River的脸还是圆圆的,

2. 纏鬥:我们的论坛也是如此,删帖不能解决问题,缠斗(dogfight)不能解决问题. 如果当事人双方能够不计前嫌,努力把装修论坛的水平提高,我相信收益的将是大众,将是重庆的所有装友.

3. dogfight什么意思

3. 狗咬狗:英国人最爱用 狗咬狗 (dogfight)来形容保级的混战. 而西汉姆之所以处在煎熬中正是 咬 得不够狠、 咬 得不卖力. 说穿了便是只自讨没趣 软脚蟹 . 有事实为证:英超里还没有一支球队像西汉姆那样 只要中场一平局,终场便无胜局 的情况.

dogfight 词典解释

1. (战斗机的)近距离激战
    A dogfight is a fight between fighter planes, in which they fly close to one another and move very fast.

2. 混战;激战;格斗
    If you say that organizations or people are involved in a dogfight, you mean they are struggling very hard against each other in order to succeed.


    e.g. The three leading contenders were locked in a dogfight.

dogfight 单语例句

1. The Giants were in the NFC East driver's seat but now find themselves in a dogfight.

2. This dogfight was part of a simulated air battle at a height of up to 60 metres above Beijing Aviation Museum on Saturday.

3. Airbus and rival Boeing will also take their corporate dogfight to China at the end of September for the Beijing International Aviation Expo.

4. And the animated Oscar race is clearly heading towards a dogfight between John Lasseter's Cars and George Miller's Happy Feet.

5. " It's unfortunate because we're having a good dogfight match out there, " he added.

6. " We knew this would be a dogfight and a defensive battle, " Williams said.

dogfight 英英释义


1. a violent fight between dogs (sometimes organized illegally for entertainment and gambling)

2. an aerial engagement between fighter planes

3. disorderly fighting

    Synonym: hasslescuffletusslerough-and-tumble

4. a fiercely disputed contest

    e.g. their rancor dated from a political dogfight between them
           a real dogfight for third place
           a prolonged dogfight over their rival bids for the contract


1. engage in an aerial battle with another fighter plane

2. arrange for an illegal dogfight

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