
doggies是什么意思 doggies在线翻译 doggies什么意思 doggies的意思 doggies的翻译 doggies的解释 doggies的发音 doggies的同义词 doggies的反义词



doggies 基本解释


小狗,狗,汪汪( doggie的名词复数 );小犬,小狗( doggy的名词复数 );

doggies 双语例句

1. doggies

1. I do hope that doggies for sale.

2. doggies的解释

2. But it also looks like the doggies are in charge in stead of their bosses.

3. doggies在线翻译

3. And this time, they finally found out how the doggies could survive on the isolated island.

4. Now we have a sense of excitement to see several cute doggies!

5. doggies的反义词

5. I love watching dog feeding doggies, it`s so warm.

6. A durable, color changing ball for your doggies and you to play with.

7. The Maker Makes One more chain I break, to get me closer to you One more chain does the maker make, to keep me from bustin'through One more notch I scratch, to keep me thinkin'of you One more notch does the maker make, upon my face so blue Get along little doggies, get along little doggies One more smile I fake, 'n try my best to be glad One more smile does the maker make, because he knows I'm sad Oh Lord, how I know, Oh Lord, how I see, that only can the maker make a happy man of me Get along little doggies, get along little doggies, get along
    制作商牌子我打破的一个更多链子,得到我离您较近一个更多链子做制作商做,保留我从bustin '通过我抓的一个更多山谷,保留我thinkin '您一个更多山谷做制作商做,在我的面孔很蓝色得到沿小的小狗,得到沿小的小狗一更微笑I 伪造品,' n 尝试我最佳是高兴的一微笑更做制作商做,因为他知道我是哀伤的噢阁下,怎么我知道,噢阁下,怎么我看见,那只装制作商于罐中做一个愉快的人我得到沿小的小狗,得到沿小的小狗,得到

8. doggies的翻译

8. Stupid Girl ——Pink Stupid girl, stupid girls, stupid girls Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back What a paparazzi girl, I don't wanna be a stupid girl Go to Fred Segal, you'll find them there Laughing loud so all the little people stare Looking for a daddy to pay for the champagne What happened to the dreams of a girl president She's dancing in the video next to 50 Cent They travel in packs of two or three With their itsy bitsy doggies and their teeny-weeny tees Where, oh where, have the smart people gone?
    愚蠢的女孩-粉红愚蠢的女孩,女孩的愚蠢,愚蠢的女孩也许如果我的行为一样,即家伙会打电话给我回什么是狗仔队的女孩,我不想成为一个愚蠢的女孩去李华明瑟戈,你会发现他们有开怀大笑的声音,让所有小的人盯寻找一个爸爸来支付香槟所发生的梦想,一个女孩主席她的舞蹈是在视频旁边的50美分他们的旅行包的两个或三个与他们itsy bitsy doggies和他们的teeny - weeny三通哪里,哪里哦,有聪明人了?

9. doggies

9. Thanks to some lightweight aluminum carts, each of these disabled doggies got their first test run on a new set of wheels donated by the North Shore Animal League.

10. doggies的反义词

10. Those who's read without RE are doggies!
    外日 家门口是卖鸭子的店包……。。。

11. I love watching dog feeding doggies, it's so warm.

12. But not for do * Doggies.

13. Aniston adds, And no doggies right now.

14. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

14. I also liked taking into camera reflection of trees on walls, dozing doggies, cats in pregnancy and children.

15. Bravo and much love to the brave men and women who put themselves in harm's way to save these doggies.

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