
dominance是什么意思 dominance在线翻译 dominance什么意思 dominance的意思 dominance的翻译 dominance的解释 dominance的发音 dominance的同义词

dominance ['dɒmɪnəns]  [ˈdɑmənəns] 

dominance 基本解释

名词优势; 统治; 支配; 优性

dominance 网络解释

1. 优势度:重要值(importance value)是根据密度、频度和显著度确定群落中每一树种的相对重要性,是Curtis和Mcintosh(1951)在研究森林群落时提出的,具体求取方法如下:优势度(dominance)大的种即为群落的优势种(dominant species).

2. 显性:除了基本三运算子外,还有其他如显性(dominance)、重排顺序(inversion)、限制结合(marriage restriction)等较「先进」运算子. 随著分子生物学的进展,遗传演算学者跟著也觊觎这方面的新应用,例如DNA、RNA等复制的机制. 可以说遗传演算研究者为模仿生物,

dominance 词典解释

1. 支配;控制
    The dominance of a particular person or thing is the fact that they are more powerful, successful, or important than other people or things.


    e.g. ...an attempt by each group to establish dominance over the other...
    e.g. These economies will no doubt maintain their dominance of financial markets...

dominance 单语例句

1. For their voice to be taken into account the bloc should build more cohesion and actively challenge the dominance of Western powers in global governance.

2. The Chinese have mounted a robust and successful challenge to European and US dominance in solar panel and wind turbine manufacturing.

3. And it is even more impracticable for them to maintain their dominance in economic growth by challenging and oppressing indigenous innovation in developing nations.

4. Barca quickly asserted their customary dominance of possession at the Nou Camp, forcing the Arsenal players to chase the ball for long periods.

5. With the decline of chieftain dominance, the bronze drum usually fell into the hands of powerful or rich families.

6. Japan would have to choose between taking regional dominance and keeping closeness with the United States.

7. Bush's continued dominance in fund raising comes at a time his public support has been slipping.

8. Should the security situation in the region deteriorate out of control, the US would be asking for trouble and could not guarantee its regional dominance.

9. The Asians'defence was also given a torrid time by Norway's powerful striker John Carew, who nevertheless was unable to convert his dominance into goals.

10. State Councillor Dai Bingguo indirectly questioned the dollar's dominance by calling for a better reserve currency issuance and monitoring system.

dominance 英英释义


1. superior development of one side of the body

    Synonym: laterality

2. the power or right to give orders or make decisions

    e.g. he has the authority to issue warrants
           deputies are given authorization to make arrests
           a place of potency in the state

    Synonym: authorityauthorizationauthorisationpotencysay-so

3. the organic phenomenon in which one of a pair of alleles present in a genotype is expressed in the phenotype and the other allele of the pair is not

4. the state that exists when one person or group has power over another

    e.g. her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her

    Synonym: ascendanceascendenceascendancyascendencycontrol

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