
don是什么意思 don在线翻译 don什么意思 don的意思 don的翻译 don的解释 don的发音 don的同义词 don的反义词 don的例句 don的相关词组

don [dɒn]  [dɑ:n] 


don 基本解释



don 相关例句


1. He don ned his overcoat.

don 情景对话



A:How about going swimming?


B:OK. Where should we go?


A:Why don't we go down to the pool? It's not too far from here.

B:Fine. I'll be ready in a minute.



A:Thank you for bringing me. This is great!

B:Rose, do you see? Herb and Don are over there.

A:Uh huh. I can't believe it! You're trying to set up Herb and me.

B:Let's sit with them.

A:Ms. Matchmaker, Herb and I just aren't written in the stars.


B:Who knows? Come on!


A:Yelling to Rose) Rose, Don and I are going to buy some drinks.

B:(Quietly to Sue) Rose and Herb are from the Dark Ages!

A:I've never seen two people who are so nervous when together.

B:This is going to be a major disaster.

A:You're right. They won't say a word to each other...

B:...the whole evening.

A:They won't get together, ever.

don 网络解释

1. 李逸朗:曾与[[郑希怡]]、[[刘思惠]](已退出娱乐圈)同为[[英皇]][[3T]]组合成员,现在为英皇娱乐集团有限公司旗下歌手,在2005年起,被安排跟[[李逸朗]](Don)经常以[[情侣]]拍档形象出大碟、[[电影|拍戏]]、拍[[广告]]、出席活动.

2. 海军部:任命负责装备与环境的海军副部长为海军部(DON)的SOH主要官员,负责建立、维护和更新SOH计划. 该计划将贯彻国防部(DOD)颁布的SOH要求,提供对文职人员和军人的防护. 舰种司令负责监控下属司令部执行NAVOSH计划的情况,

3. don:director of nursing; 医院的护理部主任

4. don:dissolved organic nitrogen; 可溶性有机氮

don 词典解释

1. 穿上;戴上;披上
    If you don clothing, you put it on.


    e.g. The crowd threw petrol bombs at the police, who responded by donning riot gear.

2. (英国牛津或剑桥大学的)讲师,教师
    A don is a lecturer at Oxford or Cambridge University in England.

don 单语例句

1. " But don't I need an invitation letter from a Chinese business, " my friend questioned.

2. I don't believe highly financed business operations will help these directors maintain their status as the best in Chinese film circles.

3. Israel has said it cannot promise to end all military operations as long as Palestinian security forces don't act against armed groups.

4. I don't act for them per se, but we certainly play a lot.

5. A medium spread collar is the easiest with a suit or sport coat, just don't mix ties and button down collars.

6. " But we don't buy sharks off the street, " Orta told the station.

7. Buyers don't have to bring their ID cards as there is no limit as how many can one person buy at one time.

8. " I don't agree with the Yankees buying up everyone, " Lydon added.

9. Policymakers don't face the trouble of buying tickets themselves, although common citizens will have to carry their ID cards every day.

10. " You don't gain anything by being negative, " he said.

don 英英释义


1. the head of an organized crime family

    Synonym: father

2. teacher at a university or college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford)

    Synonym: preceptor


1. put clothing on one's body

    e.g. What should I wear today?
           He put on his best suit for the wedding
           The princess donned a long blue dress
           The queen assumed the stately robes
           He got into his jeans

    Synonym: wearput onget intoassume

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