
doomsday是什么意思 doomsday在线翻译 doomsday什么意思 doomsday的意思 doomsday的翻译 doomsday的解释 doomsday的发音 doomsday的同义词

doomsday [ˈdu:mzdeɪ]  [ˈdumzˌde] 

doomsday 基本解释

名词世界末日; [有时作D-][宗教](世界末日来临时的)最后审判日; 任何审判日; 遭灾之日

形容词世界末日的; 预示灾难的; 预兆全球毁灭的; 会导致广泛(或全面) 毁灭的

doomsday 网络解释

1. 末日侵袭:尼尔-马歇尔曾经拍摄过<<闪灵战士>>(Dog Soldiers)<<暗夜侵袭>>(The Descent)<<末日侵袭>>(Doomsday)等片,他从小就看了许多的西部片和恐怖片,这对他产生了极大的影响.

2. 决战末世代:<<决战末世代>>(Doomsday)未来世代庞克族血腥激战,荒野漠地惊险128公里时速狂飙,<<冲锋飞车队>>+<<纽约大逃亡>>+<<决战异世界>>+<<恶灵古堡>>的精采,带来无上限的刺激快感!

doomsday 词典解释

1. 末日;灾难日
    Doomsday is a day or time when you expect something terrible or unpleasant is going to happen.

    e.g. ...the doomsday scenario of civil war between the two factions.

2. (基督教) 世界末日,最后审判日
    In the Christian religion, Doomsday is the last day of the world, on which God will judge everyone.


doomsday 单语例句

1. Kan hailed the recent nationwide police crackdown on cult members who are spreading doomsday fears.

2. The doomsday prophecy has been overwhelmingly discussed in the media, but scientifically there is no evidence that changes will occur on a specific day.

3. As for doomsday warnings from health experts of a lurking flu pandemic, soothsayers in Hong Kong were unimpressed.

4. A retired engineer in East China almost bankrupted her family by giving all its money to charity before " doomsday ".

5. Both will bring more horrible problems to people than some doomsday that will definitely not arrive.

6. " Doomsday " rumors were widely circulated on the Internet, with some cults trying to use them to destabilize society.

7. While some may have been hurt financially or psychologically, others treat doomsday as a game.

8. SINGAPORE - The weather predictions for Asia in 2050 read like a script from a doomsday movie.

9. The weather predictions for Asia in 2050 read like a script from a doomsday movie.

10. All reactions to the doomsday prophecy show a strong recognition of the crisis of human existence.

doomsday 英英释义


1. an unpleasant or disastrous destiny

    e.g. everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it
           that's unfortunate but it isn't the end of the world

    Synonym: doomday of reckoningend of the world

2. (New Testament) day at the end of time following Armageddon when God will decree the fates of all individual humans according to the good and evil of their earthly lives

    Synonym: Judgment DayJudgement DayDay of JudgmentDay of JudgementDoomsdayLast JudgmentLast JudgementLast Dayeschatonday of reckoningcrack of doomend of the world

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