
dope是什么意思 dope在线翻译 dope什么意思 dope的意思 dope的翻译 dope的解释 dope的发音 dope的同义词 dope的反义词 dope的例句 dope的相关词组

dope [dəʊp]  [doʊp] 


dope 基本解释

名词兴奋剂; 笨蛋; 麻醉剂; 内幕消息

及物动词给…服麻醉剂; 使昏昏沉沉; 给…用兴奋剂; 在…中加入麻醉剂

dope 相关词组


1. dope out : 猜出;

2. dope off : 昏睡;

dope 相关例句


1. He got a lot of dope from the secretary.

2. He was arrested for selling dope.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Give me all the dope on the new teacher.

dope 网络解释

1. dope的反义词

1. 二油酰磷脂酰乙醇胺:方法:在三乙胺催化的条件下,二油酰磷脂酰乙醇胺(DOPE)与N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺-聚乙二醇-马来酰亚胺NHS-PEG3640-MAL按照缩合反应合成二油酰磷脂酰乙醇胺-聚乙二醇-马来酰亚胺(DOPE-PEG-MAL),作为RGD环肽与脂质体膜材料连接的间臂(spacer).

2. 麻醉葯:黑色的童年,说起来我似乎有点羡慕了,恩恩,不准确,其实是羡慕他的天才,很少见到象他如此有味道的并且有趣的歌者了,恩,歌者,不是歌手更加不是艺人,上次听麻醉药(Dope)的sing,我就更加喜欢这支看起来如同疯子的乐队,

3. dope的近义词

3. 掺杂:Shirakawa(1-3)共同发现用碘掺杂(Dope)的聚乙炔(Polyacetylene),在室温下之导电率提高了12个数量级,即掺杂后,由绝缘体( σ~10-9 s/cm) 变成导体 ( σ~103 s/cm).

4. 興奮劑:5. 在临床毒理上的应用主要为运动员兴奋剂(dope)检测,制止药物滥用和成瘾(drug abuse)...

dope 词典解释

1. 麻醉剂;毒品
    Dope is a drug, usually an illegal drug such as marijuana or cocaine.


    e.g. A man asked them if they wanted to buy some dope...
    e.g. He has failed a dope test for cocaine...

2. 给…服麻醉剂(或毒品);在…中掺麻醉剂(或毒品)
    If someone dopes a person or animal or dopes their food, they put drugs into their food or force them to take drugs.


    e.g. Anyone could have got in and doped the wine...
    e.g. I'd been doped with Somnolin...

3. 笨蛋;呆子;蠢货
    If someone calls a person a dope, they think that the person is stupid.


    e.g. I'm more comfortable with them. I don't feel I'm such a dope.

4. 情报;密报
    Dope is information which you have been given illegally or secretly.


    e.g. The government had plenty of dope on him.

dope 单语例句

1. Until now, dope tests have been conducted only in ICC events such as the World Cup.

2. Ferdinand missed a random dope test on September 23 at his club's Carrington training ground, though he passed a test 36 hours after the scheduled one.

3. Police began their investigation in April 2010 after becoming aware of a group that appeared to be aiding elite athletes who wanted to dope.

4. Soccer's governing body FIFA announced on Thursday that bans on players who fail dope tests would automatically become worldwide.

5. He is the first athlete to fail a dope test at the championships, which began on Saturday and end on Sunday.

6. Ben Johnson won the 1988 Seoul title for Canada and was then disqualified after a positive dope test.

7. All prohormone products are prohibited by international sports federations and would show up in dope tests.

8. He was so excited that he forgot to turn down the dope Color Me Bad track that he had blaring.

9. He finished his career with 762 home runs, but polarized baseball fans who considered him a dope cheat for his links to BALCO.

10. Bulgaria withdrew its national weightlifting team from the Beijing Olympics prior to the game after 11 members of the team failed dope tests.

dope 英英释义


1. street names for marijuana

    Synonym: potgrassgreen goddessweedgagesesssenssmokeskunklocoweedMary Jane

2. slang terms for inside information

    e.g. is that the straight dope?

    Synonym: poopthe skinnylow-down

3. carbonated drink flavored with extract from kola nuts (`dope' is a southernism in the United States)

    Synonym: cola

4. an ignorant or foolish person

    Synonym: dumbbelldummyboobboobypinhead


1. give a narcotic to

    e.g. The athletes were dope by the coach before the race

    Synonym: dope up

2. add impurities to (a semiconductor) in order to produce or modify its properties

    e.g. The resistors have been doped

3. take drugs to improve one's athletic performance

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