
downright是什么意思 downright在线翻译 downright什么意思 downright的意思 downright的翻译 downright的解释 downright的发音 downright的同义词

downright [ˈdaʊnraɪt]  [ˈdaʊnˌraɪt] 

downright 基本解释

副词完全地; 彻底地; 全然

形容词直率的,直截了当的; 明白的,露骨的; 显明的; 毫不含糊的

downright 相关例句


1. He is a downright sort of person.


1. He was downright rude to me.

2. He is downright rude.

downright 网络解释

1. 直下垂直完全:downrating 降功率运行 | downright 直下;垂直;完全 | downright 直下垂直完全

2. 明白的,明显的:stratification 层化,阶层的形成 | downright 明白的,明显的 | frenzy 狂暴,狂怒

3. 明白的:downrange 沿试验航向的 | downright 明白的 | downriver 下游的

4. downright在线翻译

4. (尤指坏事)完全地,彻底地:nervous system 神经系统 | downright (尤指坏事)完全地,彻底地 | daytime fatigue 白天的倦怠(疲劳,疲倦)

downright 词典解释

1. (强调令人不快或负面的事或行为)彻头彻尾地,十足地,完全地
    You use downright to emphasize unpleasant or bad qualities or behaviour.

    e.g. ...ideas that would have been downright dangerous if put into practice...
    e.g. She was often downright rude to him.

downright 单语例句

1. The fact that he also challenges the men who follow him on emotional and psychological levels makes him not just charismatic but downright frightening.

2. When the idea is transplanted into China, our compatriot copycat liberals make this tradition a downright joke.

3. Lead actor Henderson appears downright embarrassed throughout and Ice Cube again beats the living daylights out of his own credibility.

4. The problem is that the " symbiotic relationship " has turned decidedly dysfunctional, if not downright exploitative.

5. These are countries that have been so riddled with corruption and social conflicts that their prospects for upliftment are downright dim.

6. The great equalizer is that one and all are free to express themselves, in ways wonderful or downright vulgar.

7. Based on such projections, the prospective multiples of the leading mainland stocks may look downright tempting.

8. The news on climate change has lately gone from being very bad to downright terrifying.

9. Here Touch China pulls out the holiest, the precious and the downright riveting from an enthralling Buddhist world.

10. The first ride from the airport to your new Chinese home is exciting, and sometimes downright scary.

downright 英英释义



1. complete and without restriction or qualification
    sometimes used informally as intensifiers

    e.g. absolute freedom
           an absolute dimwit
           a downright lie
           out-and-out mayhem
           an out-and-out lie
           a rank outsider
           many right-down vices
           got the job through sheer persistence
           sheer stupidity

    Synonym: absoluteout-and-out(a)rank(a)right-downsheer(a)

2. characterized by plain blunt honesty

    e.g. a downright answer
           a downright kind of person


1. thoroughgoing

    e.g. he is outright dishonest

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