
drape是什么意思 drape在线翻译 drape什么意思 drape的意思 drape的翻译 drape的解释 drape的发音 drape的同义词 drape的反义词 drape的例句

drape [dreɪp]  [drep] 


drape 基本解释

及物动词将(衣物、帘、斗篷等)悬挂,披; (用布等)遮盖或装饰某人或某物; 将某物随便围在或放在另一物上; [医]在(手术室等处)挂上消毒帷

名词(厚长的)帘子,帷帘,帷幕; (帘、幕、衣、裙等)悬挂状


drape 相关例句


1. He draped his legs over the chair.

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2. The walls were draped with the maps.

drape 网络解释

1. drape什么意思

1. 褶皱:结构上的褶皱(Drape)是指因膜面在一个方向上出现压应力导致膜材屈服而产生的褶皱现象,而结构松弛是指膜面在两个方向上都呈现无张力状态,故松弛的膜面不能承受任何荷载.

2. drape的反义词

2. 窗帘:curtain 窗帘,帘子 | drape 窗帘 | drapery 有褶子的布料. 窗帘布料

3. 帘,幕:drain valve 排水阀 | drape 帘,幕 | drawing apparatus 描绘器,绘图仪

4. 帘子幕;披盖:drape unconformity 披盖不整合 | drape 帘子幕;披盖 | DRAPE 数据减化和处理设备

5. drape:data reduction and processing equipment; 数据缩减和处理设备

drape 词典解释

1. 将(织物)悬挂;披
    If you drape a piece of cloth somewhere, you place it there so that it hangs down in a casual and graceful way.

    e.g. Natasha took the coat and draped it over her shoulders...
    e.g. A soft white robe had been draped over a chair for Joanna's use...

2. 遮盖;盖住
    If someone or something is draped in a piece of cloth, they are loosely covered by it.


    e.g. The coffin had been draped in a Union Jack...
    e.g. He draped himself in the Canadian flag and went round the track...

3. 将(身体的某部位)随意搭在…上
    If you drape a part of your body somewhere, you lay it there in a relaxed and graceful way.

    e.g. Nicola slowly draped herself across the couch...
    e.g. He draped his arm over Daniels' shoulder...

4. (厚的)帘子,帷幕
    Drapes are pieces of heavy fabric that you hang from the top of a window and can close to keep the light out or stop people looking in.

    e.g. He pulled the drapes shut, locked the door behind him.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 curtains

drape 单语例句

1. In fact I should probably drape myself in the lucky color red every day just to counter the ill effects of my many superstition blunders.

2. But she knows that for an official government dinner, she must drape on a sari.

3. Impatient taxi drivers drape unbuckled seat belts over their paunches if they think traffic police are looking.

4. The interior of the bar is a red drape affair with strings of silver tubes hanging down from the ceiling.

5. Finer grades than this will feel silky but will present problems with wear and may not drape well.

6. Youths drape themselves and their cars in large Iraqi flags and parade around the streets to loud music and dancing.

7. Luo had fallen out of favour and almost everyone started to drape the gold on Jones before the final race.

8. Gupta has used ruching and gathering techniques on the garment to make it easier to drape.

9. Just because you can drape on a model or mannequin doesn't mean you are a designer.

10. And her songs are perfectly blank, mere skeletons to drape herself around.

drape 英英释义


1. hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window)

    Synonym: curtaindraperymantlepall

2. a sterile covering arranged over a patient's body during a medical examination or during surgery in order to reduce the possibility of contamination

3. the manner in which fabric hangs or falls

    e.g. she adjusted the drape of her skirt


1. arrange in a particular way

    e.g. drape a cloth

2. place casually

    e.g. The cat draped herself on the sofa

3. cover or dress loosely with cloth

    e.g. drape the statue with a sheet

4. cover as if with clothing

    e.g. the mountain was clothed in tropical trees

    Synonym: clothecloakrobe

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