
dressing是什么意思 dressing在线翻译 dressing什么意思 dressing的意思 dressing的翻译 dressing的解释 dressing的发音 dressing的同义词

dressing [ˈdresɪŋ]  [ˈdrɛsɪŋ] 


dressing 基本解释

名词穿衣; 调味品; 肥料

动词穿着; 装饰(dress的现在分词)

dressing 相关例句


1. Dressing is difficult for her since her accident.

2. She put a dressing on the mangled toe.

3. I'll take both kinds of salad dressing.

dressing 网络解释

1. 修整:切片工序的关键部分是切割刀片的修整(dressing). 在非监测的切片系统中,修整工序是通过一套反复试验来建立的. 在刀片负载受监测的系统中,修整的终点是通过测量的力量数据来发现的,它建立最佳的修整程序.

2. 敷料:金属或一次性硬塑料双套管,单管(图3-29).双套管的外管有多个孔眼,内管在外套管内,尾部以橡皮管接于吸引器上,多孔的外套管可防止内管吸引时被周围的组织堵塞,保持吸引通畅.敷料(dressing)一般有纱布和布类制

3. dressing的意思

3. 包扎:伤口已经比较干了,所以现在的外包扎(dressing) 也越来越简便了. 老公说这个理疗师比医院的专业,理疗师听了挺开心的. 接下去的几周,基本每天都要来做理疗.

4. dressing的解释

4. 调味汁:法国人很讲究正餐(dinner),通常包括开胃菜(appertizer),海鲜(seafood),带有蔬菜和调味汁(dressing)的肉类佳肴,沙拉(salad),甜点(desserts),面包和黄油,不带牛奶(milk)和咖啡(coffee).

dressing 词典解释

1. (用油、醋、香料等制成的,拌色拉用的)调料
    A salad dressing is a mixture of oil, vinegar, and herbs or flavourings, which you pour over salad.


    e.g. Mix the ingredients for the dressing in a bowl.

2. (保护伤口用的)敷料
    A dressing is a covering that is put on a wound to protect it while it heals.

    e.g. Miss Finkelstein will put a dressing on your thumb.

dressing 单语例句

1. Caesar salad was made of fresh Boston lettuce, but the dressing was of the thick cream kind.

2. They were the times of family dinners, featuring delicious hot turkey with cranberry sauce and dressing and candied sweet potatoes.

3. Spoon the dressing over the prawns and salad and garnish generously with caviar and the diced red and yellow capsicum.

4. A parade squad made up of 300 people dressing in cartoon costume also showed up on the street to entertain the crowd.

5. Another wedding Manolo enjoyed was the royal nuptials between Prince William and Duchess Catherine, even though he wasn't involved with dressing the beautiful bride.

6. Such causal dressing may also occur in other cities in China, but it interesting to see how the fashion is becoming popular in Shanghai.

7. Remove the dressing from the heat after 3 minutes, stir and dress the dish of pork cheek and artichokes.

8. You can order it with giblets, chestnut dressing and cranberry sauce or gravy.

9. " Some young Chinese girls want to show their privileged social status by dressing in labels, " said fashion editor Wang.

10. Pingping thought she had good taste in dressing and her manners classy.

dressing 英英释义


1. the act of applying a bandage

    Synonym: bandagingbinding

2. the activity of getting dressed
    putting on clothes

    Synonym: grooming

3. processes in the conversion of rough hides into leather

4. a cloth covering for a wound or sore

    Synonym: medical dressing

5. making fertile as by applying fertilizer or manure

    Synonym: fertilizationfertilisationfecundation

6. a mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables

    Synonym: stuffing

7. savory dressings for salads
    basically of two kinds: either the thin French or vinaigrette type or the creamy mayonnaise type

    Synonym: salad dressing

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