
driven是什么意思 driven在线翻译 driven什么意思 driven的意思 driven的翻译 driven的解释 driven的发音 driven的同义词 driven的反义词 driven的例句

driven [ˈdrɪvn]  [ˈdrɪvən] 


driven 基本解释


形容词奋发努力的; 发愤图强的; 受…影响的; 由…造成的


driven 情景对话

Skin somebody alive-(活剥某人的皮)

A:What happened to Pat this morning? I saw him leave the classroom soon after the exam began.


B:He was found cheating and was driven out.

A:If the principal caught him cheating, he would skin him alive.

driven 网络解释

1. 极速竞赛:有最新消息显示最近正在拍摄中的由老牌动作明星史泰龙主演的方程式赛车题材影片<<极速竞赛>>(Driven)将在片中的赛车场面大量采用多角度的实地拍摄方法,

2. 生死极速:由于<<神鬼传奇2>>的吸票力太猛,上周冠军的<<生死极速>>(Driven)掉到第二,票房剩 下六百万,和第一名差了十倍多,其他电影票房更不用说,影迷「西瓜偎大边」的效应极为明显.

3. 生死时速:奇普在另一部新作<<生死时速>>(Driven)也是饰演运动好手,这次是追求速度感的赛车手. 童星出身的英国男星克里斯丁贝尔,在观众的印象中一直还是<<太阳帝国>>(Emdire of the Sun)里那个瘦小的邻家小男孩,

driven 词典解释


driven 单语例句

1. Although the trend toward home working is fueled by technology and employee demand, proactive employer initiative driven by business needs is equally important.

2. Although the trend toward home working is undeniably fueled by technology and employee demand, proactive employer initiative driven by business needs is equally important.

3. Poor countries have been driven out of the race and are unable to buy enough food.

4. Applying this in the international political arena means consultation among all parties involved, not unilateralism driven by hegemonic ambitions.

5. The energy and mineral connections are by definition driven by Beijing and the major industrial enterprises.

6. But driven by human instinct, they began looking for a higher place.

7. Investors reacted with enthusiastic buying, driven by the belief that this move indicated government resolution to keep boosting the market.

8. He said air travel will be driven by the country's continuing robust growth in gross domestic product and personal income.

9. But in Asia UPS'growth was driven by strong export volume growth in China and India.

10. Rumors that the state banking regulator will call an end to the favorable mortgage policy next year have driven homebuyers into the housing market.

driven 英英释义


1. strongly motivated to succeed

    Synonym: compulsivedetermined

2. urged or forced to action through moral pressure

    e.g. felt impelled to take a stand against the issue

    Synonym: impelled

3. compelled forcibly by an outside agency

    e.g. mobs goaded by blind hatred

    Synonym: goaded

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