
drone是什么意思 drone在线翻译 drone什么意思 drone的意思 drone的翻译 drone的解释 drone的发音 drone的同义词 drone的反义词 drone的例句

drone [drəʊn]  [droʊn] 


drone 基本解释

名词雄蜂; 无人驾驶飞机; 嗡嗡声; 持续低音

动词嗡嗡叫; 嗡嗡响; 絮絮叨叨地说


drone 相关例句


1. The minister droned out the psalm.


1. It's bad to drone.

2. A plane droned overhead.

3. She always drones on about her problems.


1. drone是什么意思

1. Drones do not work.

drone 网络解释

1. drone是什么意思

1. 无人驾驶飞机:无人机可分为无人驾驶飞机(Drone)和遥控飞机(Remote Piloted Vehicle缩写为RPV)两类,其区别主要在于控制手段,即是否能遥控驾驶. 二次大战之后,美国着重于活塞式发动机推进的小型靶机,诺斯罗普公司的KD2R-5就是其中最成功的一种.

2. 雄峰:首先我们虫族的部队都是在孵化所孵化而来的优种战士,它们有: 雄峰(DRONE),直接孵化于孵化所(HATCHERY),司职工程建设;大君主(OVERLORD),直接孵化于孵化所,司职侦察,另外战斗部队数量的上限直接由它的 数量决定;线虫(ZERGLING),

drone 词典解释

1. 嗡嗡作响;嗡嗡叫
    If something drones, it makes a low, continuous, dull noise.

    e.g. Above him an invisible plane droned through the night sky.
    e.g. ...a virtually non-stop droning noise in the background.

...the droning of a plane far overhead.

2. (人)絮絮叨叨地说,喋喋不休地说
    If you say that someone drones, you mean that they keep talking about something in a boring way.

    e.g. Chambers' voice droned, maddening as an insect around his head...
    e.g. The droning murmur of the doctor's voice in the bedroom had ceased.

3. 游手好闲者;寄生虫
    People who do not contribute anything to society or to an organization are sometimes described as drones .

    e.g. A few are dim-witted drones, but most are talented, frustrated, wasted people.

4. 雄蜂
    A drone is a male bee.

相关词组:drone on

drone 单语例句

1. Iran touted the aerial drone as its home grown capacity to resist attack.

2. Two drone bases will be established in Liaoning province to conduct surveillance of coastal waters, local authorities said on Saturday.

3. Israeli army footage filmed by a drone aircraft showed a huge column of black smoke leaping from the stricken vehicle.

4. It is not known whether the drone crashed is for combat purpose or for spy use.

5. Pakistani officials regularly criticize the drone strikes in public, but some are believed to support them in private depending on which militants they target.

6. American officials say the outgoing chief clashed with Ambassador Cameron Munter, who objected to CIA drone strikes during diplomatic negotiations.

7. The crowd shouted " Down with America " and threatened to block NATO supplies to Afghanistan if the drone attacks don't stop.

8. The country's state TV later showed the footage of the drone.

9. The crisis has also seen a halt in US drone strikes in Pakistan, which Pakistani politicians have called for in a bid not to create further tensions.

10. No further details on the scale or the schedule of the project were provided, but Yu noted that at least one drone would be stationed at each base.

drone 英英释义


1. stingless male bee in a colony of social bees (especially honeybees) whose sole function is to mate with the queen

2. a pipe of the bagpipe that is tuned to produce a single continuous tone

    Synonym: drone pipebourdon

3. an aircraft without a pilot that is operated by remote control

    Synonym: pilotless aircraftradio-controlled aircraft

4. an unchanging intonation

    Synonym: monotonedroning

5. someone who takes more time than necessary
    someone who lags behind

    Synonym: dawdlerlaggardlaggertrailerpoke


1. talk in a monotonous voice

    Synonym: drone on

2. make a monotonous low dull sound

    e.g. The harmonium was droning on

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