
dubious是什么意思 dubious在线翻译 dubious什么意思 dubious的意思 dubious的翻译 dubious的解释 dubious的发音 dubious的同义词 dubious的反义词

dubious [ˈdju:biəs]  [ˈdu:biəs] 

dubious 基本解释

形容词可疑的; 半信半疑的,犹豫不决的; 暧昧的,含糊的; 不可靠的

dubious 相关例句


1. The result is still dubious.

2. I am dubious about accepting the offer of the job.

dubious 网络解释

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1. 可疑的:dubbing 复录 | dubious 可疑的 | dubuissonite 红蒙脱土

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 表示不是很肯定:◆positively adv. 绝对地,完全地 | doubt; doubtful; uncertain; dubious 表示不是很肯定 | ◆disadvantage n. 短处,缺点

3. 犹豫的:duality of the innermost being 内心两重性 | dubious 犹豫的 | dubitation 迟疑

4. dubious的意思

4. 怀疑的,可疑的:dreadful 可怕的 | dubious 怀疑的,可疑的 | eccentric 怪癖的,古怪的,离心的

dubious 词典解释

1. 可疑的;靠不住的;暧昧的
    If you describe something as dubious, you mean that you do not consider it to be completely honest, safe, or reliable.

    e.g. This claim seems to us to be rather dubious...
    e.g. Soho was still a highly dubious area...

Carter was dubiously convicted of shooting three white men in a bar.

2. 怀疑的;无把握的;迟疑的;拿不准的
    If you are dubious about something, you are not completely sure about it and have not yet made up your mind about it.

    e.g. My parents were dubious about it at first but we soon convinced them.

He eyed Coyne dubiously.

3. (荣誉、名声等)不好的,不光彩的
    If you say that someone has the dubious honour or the dubious pleasure of doing something, you are indicating that what they are doing is not an honour or pleasure at all, but is, in fact, unpleasant or bad.

    e.g. Nagy has the dubious honour of being the first athlete to be banned in this way...
    e.g. El Salvador has earned the dubious distinction of having the worst soil erosion in continental America.

Do not confuse dubious, doubtful, and suspicious. If you are dubious about something, you are not sure whether it is the right thing to do. Alison sounded very dubious... The men in charge were a bit dubious about taking women on. If you describe something as dubious, you think it is not completely honest, safe, or reliable. ...his dubious abilities as a teacher. If you feel doubtful about something, you are unsure about it or about whether it will happen or be successful. Do you feel insecure and doubtful about your ability?... It was doubtful he would ever see her again. If you are suspicious of a person, you do not trust them and think they might be involved in something dishonest or illegal. I am suspicious of his intentions... Miss Lenaut had grown suspicious. If you describe something as suspicious, it suggests behaviour that is dishonest, illegal, or dangerous. He listened for any suspicious sounds. ...in suspicious circumstances.
不要混淆 dubious, doubtful 和 suspicious。dubious 指某人拿不准做某事是否正确:Alison sounded very dubious(艾莉森听上去很犹豫),The men in charge were a bit dubious about taking women on(几位男性负责人有点儿拿不准要不要招女性员工)。dubious 还可指某事物不完全可信、安全或可靠。例如,his dubious abilities as a teacher(他的教学能力令人怀疑)。doubtful 指不确定某事是否会发生或成功:Do you feel insecure and doubtful about your ability(你对自己的能力缺乏信心并且感到怀疑吗),It was doubtful he would ever see her again(他会不会再见到她还说不准呢)。suspicious 指不信任某人、怀疑某人从事欺骗性或不法的活动。例如,I am suspicious of his intentions(我怀疑他的动机),Miss Lenaut had grown suspicious(莱诺小姐已经起了疑心)。suspicious 还可指某人行为可疑、不诚实、涉及非法或具有危险性:He listened for any suspicious sounds(他注意听任何可疑的声响),in suspicious circumstances(在可疑的情势下)。

dubious 单语例句

1. Allowing European debt problems to fester and grow by sweeping them under the carpet through dubious theatrics can only make those problems worse.

2. While I was dubious at first, the concoction produced a slow but significant effect - my faith was restored.

3. I've since had many covetous comments from cyclists making do with new and old bikes of dubious quality.

4. The phenomenon of applauding public benefactors even if they are men of dubious credentials is not unfamiliar nowadays.

5. That dubious distinction goes to fallen pop princess Britney Spears whose erratic behavior helped her take back the crown from Paris Hilton.

6. They took pride in their democratic system, and allowed their government to do many dubious things in their name without serious scrutiny.

7. We couldn't go back - we'd already walked 20 km through dense jungle - and going forward appeared to be a dubious proposition.

8. Many of the phrases banned this year are not new, but simply got under enough people's skin to finally deserve the dubious honour.

9. Experts said that dubious distinction resulted from the fact that many couples in such places tend to be separated for long stretches of time.

10. The dubious offerings of our culture industry are sapping people's creativity, stifling innovation and giving a diverse nation one voice.

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