
duck soup是什么意思 duck soup在线翻译 duck soup什么意思 duck soup的意思 duck soup的翻译 duck soup的解释 duck soup的发音 duck soup的同义词

duck soup [dʌk su:p]  [dʌk sup] 

duck soup 基本解释

名词易事; 易如反掌的事

duck soup的近义词

duck soup 网络解释

1. 鸭汤:面对危机,电影院成了人们逃避现实的最佳选择,无数失业者或失意者涌进电影院寻求安慰. 文艺因此得到了长足的发展,好莱坞恐怖片鼻祖<<弗兰肯斯坦>>(Frankenstein)、著名的喜剧<<鸭汤>>(Duck Soup)等都是大萧条期间的作品.

2. 鸭羹:马克斯兄弟在派拉蒙的最后一部电影是<<[[Duck Soup|鸭羹]]>>(Duck Soup),由[[Leo McCarey]]执导,他也是和马克斯兄弟合作过的导演中日后成就最高的一位.

3. 易如反掌之事:drop the ball 犯错误 | duck soup 易如反掌之事 | dull book 沉闷的书

4. 鸭骨汤:鸭骨菜汤 Duck soup with vegetable | 鸭骨汤 Duck soup | 鸭锅 Duck in casserole

duck soup 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. W: So a fired shredded Beijing roast duck, a celery, and a soup with

2. I had some fish, beef, duck, jiaozi and a dish of sweet soup.

3. Opt for the delectable soup, which is full of duck flavour with preserved mustard greens and bits of Chinese celery.

4. First, clean and steep snow fungus in warm water. Boil them for a while. Stir in duck egg, and finally add sugar candy and medlar into the soup.

5. It`s duck soup to me.

6. We kicked off with soup, and then went on to duck and green peas

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Abel, such as halibut, Billy Peter beef soup, roast duck Xiantao, safflower Xianbei St. Jacques, Brigham and fresh cucumber pieces of roast duck, and other famous dish, the Maxim restaurant is an exclusive style.

8. Winning this game is go to is duck soup.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. Deploring fans: in Nanjing, the sale of duck blood soup spread all over the structure of an organization.

10. It's duck soup to me.

11. duck soup的反义词

11. That's duck soup for me.

12. duck soup的反义词

12. Believe it or not, going to foreign countries is duck soup to me.

13. danci.911chaxun.com

13. Don't worry. It's duck soup for me.

14. The Swede also likes to have Chinese food, picking a cabbage, braising in soy saucing fish, crispy duck, sour and hot sea cucumber, shredded meat to squeeze vegetable soup, burning to sell such as various cool vegetables, shelled peanut, ham, steamed dumpling, steamed roll, shortcake etc., to the Guangdong vegetables of ham is particularly interested in.

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. Fuqifeipian Mapo tofu dumplings 10 minutes Long Chao Shou country Kawakita Bean duck Center Street; Long Chao Shou, Tam Tam Lai dumpling noodles artillery three small carp jelly bean, Galinsoga intestinal crisp, diving chickens, children burn lines Guoba soft-shelled turtle meat, steamed Galinsoga East Star Spot, spicy broth juice Tsai praised wings, sweet longan burning white, Spice Hui Guorou home-egg smell of urine, water Bullfrog Suantang cabbage, Jiang Bao King in Ap ribs, green mandarin fish Law, Ma, Fissidens sesame soup cans tile, and the first Rong Bone, parsley Geely pills, a fish stand, Ermaojiza pot simmer, Behind Xiangqian wild chickens, Luo their ears Prince, Zhahai Law Hui Guorou water cabbage, Jiang Bao King in Ap ribs, Ma Law green mandarin fish, sesame characteristics Fissidens Huang Lading, the head of public chicken, carp postal kiosk, to pull the Jiu Chi-sheng E Chang Hong Shaorou Mother, Mother did not eat fish

16. System filling: the meat, mushrooms, ham, meat, chives chop to fine, and thereupon wok added lard, the meat, vegetables and wonderful look at the end of the pot a little by adding a small amount of cooking wine, salt, chicken and duck soup, fried, after and the temperature of starch fight qian, Linru a small amount of sesame oil and pepper, mixing stuffing pan stand-by.

17. The Duck Feet with Mustard and The Roast Duck Bone Soup.

18. duck soup的解释

18. I'll have the clear soup, please, follow by roast duck and mash potato.

19. duck soup的反义词

19. I'll have the clear soup, please, followed by roast duck and mash potato.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. I am often bewildered by their self-introduction, such as: I am steamed dumplings, he is boiled duck soup.

duck soup 单语例句

duck soup的解释

1. The article recommends a soup called " Duck soup with four gods ".

2. And if this wasn'enough, next came the duck soup followed by deep fried duck skin.

3. Then it was roast duck and shark fin soup at a top Chinese eatery.

4. Guests'favorites include roasted duck, shrimp balls and double stewed chicken soup.

5. They have a splendid Peking roast duck, which is reasonably priced and it comes with soup and rice options.

6. A braised " dragon and phoenix " soup using diced cobia and duck tastes fresh, flavorful and slightly sweet.

7. When the meat is finished, the plucked duck will lend its aroma to soup cooked with the remaining bones.

8. The three duck dishes are fresh and crunchy fried green bean sprouts, an egg custard with minced duck and a healthy mushroom duck soup.

duck soup 英英释义

duck soup的反义词


1. any undertaking that is easy to do

    e.g. marketing this product will be no picnic

    Synonym: cinchbreezepicnicsnapchild's playpushoverwalkoverpiece of cake

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