
dumplings是什么意思 dumplings在线翻译 dumplings什么意思 dumplings的意思 dumplings的翻译 dumplings的解释 dumplings的发音 dumplings的同义词

dumplings ['dʌmplɪŋz]  ['dʌmplɪŋz] 


dumplings 基本解释

饺子;汤团( dumpling的名词复数 );水果布丁;矮胖的人;

dumplings 网络解释

1. 饺子:三更II-饺子(Dumplings)以下为 三更II-饺子(Dumplings) 剧情简介、海报、片花等,在线观看请点击上面播放地址. 为了留住青春,回复艳丽,女人不惜代价,吃尽苦头. 过气女星艾菁菁,千辛万苦找到了老妖一般的媚姨,吞下她神秘的婴胎饺子,

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 水饺:想吃好吃的水饺(dumplings)吗? 我会推荐元宝小馆. 原因并不是这里便宜大碗, 而是能吃得精致. 南加州中餐林立, 吃粗饱的地方比比皆是. EL渐渐步入中年, 在胃容量逐渐减少的状况下, 当然就得精挑细选.

3. 馄炖:Deep-fried dough sticks油条 | Dumplings馄炖 | Stuffed steamed bun包子

4. 粉面饺子:10自家鱼汤 Home-style Fish Broth | 11粉面饺子 Dumplings | 12手擀豆面 Hand-made Green-bean Noodles

dumplings 单语例句


1. Roast pork with potato dumplings and cabbage is a favorite among Czechs, on special occasions or as part as an ordinary meal.

2. Vendors sold pork dumplings and other treats, such as freshly made caramel candy sculpted into chubby pig shapes.

3. A value selection of dim sums offered at Sun Palace, from prawn dumplings and shaomai to Cantonese starters and selection of congee.

4. It is understandable that many viewers would readily believe that the dumplings being sold by the roadside contained chopped up cardboard.

5. " The journalists involved in the fake report on cardboard dumplings should be harshly punished, " said the statement.

6. We once tried making colorful dumplings by mixing spinach, tomato and carrot juice into the dough.

7. Chinese dumplings don't fit into those categories, with their payload of filling in a thin dough casing.

8. Stuffing for the rice dumplings range from classic red beans to healthy red dates, cereal and refreshing meat.

9. The dumplings were then given away to the community's childless seniors and needy families.

10. Hot dishes feature pork pot sticker dumplings with green chili soy, fried rice with crab and egg and more.

dumplings 英英释义



1. small balls or strips of boiled or steamed dough

    Synonym: dumpling

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