
dun是什么意思 dun在线翻译 dun什么意思 dun的意思 dun的翻译 dun的解释 dun的发音 dun的同义词 dun的反义词 dun的例句 dun的相关词组

dun [dʌn]  [dʌn] 

dun 基本解释




dun 网络解释

1. 顿:阿姜顿(Dun)曾在柬埔寨与暹罗边境附近,与一只野生水牛(16)擦身而过. 一九三四年,他带着两位弟子前往柬埔寨,那年他四十六岁. 在那里他们沿着东拉山脉(DongRakRange),走向普拉维汉(PhraWihan)山丘与柬埔寨的克拉善(Krasan)县,

2. 吨:犀牛身体庞大,四肢粗壮(zhuang)体重一般都在一吨(dun)半左右. 它的皮又厚又坚. 鼻子上长着一只或两只角. 在动物中的战斗力可以数一数二的. 据(ju)说,三四头狮(shi)子也斗不过一头犀牛. 不少猛兽,被它碗口粗的角顶一下就完了.

3. 登:但含少量作为副矿物的辉石和铬铁矿. 在北卡罗来纳、南卡罗来纳和佐治亚的纯橄榄岩具有重要的意义,因为商业上的刚玉矿床与它们伴生. 苏联乌拉尔山脉和新西兰有大的岩体群,该岩石是以新西兰著名的登(Dun)山命名的.

4. dun

4. 蹲:营口方音中,尤其是盖州和大石桥东部山区一些地方的方言中,在读对(dui)、腿(tui)、蹲(dun)、屯(tun)、乱(luan)、团( tuan)等音节时,往往丢掉介母u ,而读成dei、 tei 、den、lan、tan等等.

5. dun:dial up networking; 拨号网路

6. dun:dial – up networking; 拨号联网

7. dun:dial up network; 拨号上网(方式

dun 词典解释

1. 棕灰色;灰褐色;暗褐色
    Something that is dun is a dull grey-brown colour.

    e.g. ...her dun mare.

dun 单语例句

1. The opera will be directed by the composer Tan Dun, and will feature choreography by dancer Huang Doudou.

2. When she toured with composer Tan Dun's opera Marco Polo in 1996 and 1997, she decided to continue her dance career back in her homeland.

3. Eccentric composer Tan Dun pays musical homage to his equally unorthodox late mentor John Cage.

4. In 2009, they will premiere a violin concerto by Tan Dun.

5. He is to stage the world premiere of countryman Tan Dun's opera " The First Emperor " for New York's Metropolitan Opera later this year.

6. Fifteen books have won the Mao Dun Literary Award, the country's top literary award.

7. The five winners of this year's Mao Dun Literary Award were selected from some 156 titles nominated by publishing houses across the country.

8. A grand artistic performance featuring Taoist culture and directed by famous musician Tan Dun was held after the opening ceremony.

9. The Eighth Mao Dun Literature Prize winners were announced on Saturday afternoon, after five rounds of voting by 61 jury members including literary critics and writers.

10. The announcement of the winners of this year's Mao Dun Literary Award in April aroused immediate debate among critics and book lovers.

dun 英英释义


1. horse of a dull brownish grey color

2. a color or pigment varying around a light grey-brown color

    e.g. she wore dun

    Synonym: greyish browngrayish brownfawn



1. make a dun color

2. cure by salting

    e.g. dun codfish

3. persistently ask for overdue payment

    e.g. The grocer dunned his customers every day by telephone

4. treat cruelly

    e.g. The children tormented the stuttering teacher

    Synonym: tormentragbedevilcrucifyfrustrate


1. of a dull greyish brown to brownish grey color

    e.g. the dun and dreary prairie

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