
dynamite是什么意思 dynamite在线翻译 dynamite什么意思 dynamite的意思 dynamite的翻译 dynamite的解释 dynamite的发音 dynamite的同义词

dynamite [ˈdaɪnəmaɪt]  [ˈdaɪnəˌmaɪt] 


dynamite 基本解释


名词炸药; 具有爆炸性的事物,有潜在危险的人; 引起轰动的人(或物

及物动词破坏,炸毁; 装炸药


dynamite 相关例句


1. Saboteurs dynamited the bridge.


1. dynamite是什么意思

1. That news story is dynamite.

dynamite 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 硝化甘油炸药:阿尔弗雷德.诺贝尔靠发明-主要是硝化甘油炸药(dynamite)的发现发了大财. 他在1896 年去世前,用大部分遗产设立了诺贝尔奖. 诺贝尔生活在一个欧洲各国不断争斗、交战的时代,他认为,自己发明的炸药由于破坏力巨大,反而会带来和平.

2. 甘油炸药:阿尔弗雷德.诺贝尔靠发明-主要是硝化甘油炸药(dynamite)的发现发了大财. 他在1896 年去世前,用大部分遗产设立了诺贝尔奖. 诺贝尔生活在一个欧洲各国不断争斗、交战的时代,他认为,自己发明的炸药由于破坏力巨大,反而会带来和平.

3. 雷管:迷宫前的魔法障壁可以使用风之宝玉打开. 在洞窟分歧点和宝物猎人二人组相遇,这一次Tom因为受到误解,转身就跑开了现场. Natalia在提供主角们情报后也接着离去. 接下来的迷宫前分别有坚硬的石块,和钢铁制的雕像. 这两个难题分别可以用雷管(Dynamite)和磁石解决.

dynamite 词典解释

1. 甘油炸药
    Dynamite is a type of explosive that contains nitroglycerin.

    e.g. Fifty yards of track was blown up with dynamite.
           50 码铁轨被炸毁。

2. 炸毁
    If someone dynamites something, they blow it up by using dynamite.

    e.g. The rebels dynamited power lines...
    e.g. The slum is to be dynamited.

3. 爆炸性消息;引起轰动的事物
    If you describe a piece of information as dynamite, you think that people will react strongly to it.

    e.g. Her diaries are political dynamite.

4. 令人振奋的人(或事物);令人激动的人(或事物)
    If you describe someone or something as dynamite, you think that they are exciting.


    e.g. Carmen was pure dynamite...
    e.g. The first kiss is dynamite.

dynamite 单语例句

1. A stick of dynamite exploded on the roof of a miners union office, causing the roof to cave in.

2. The Little Mermaid has additionally been the victim of graffiti on several occasions and was also blown off its rock base with dynamite in 2003.

3. Dynamite from the ammunition to be disposed of can also be recycled.

4. Investigators found the engine block of the vehicle that carried the bomb, which security sources said had the explosive power of 300 kilograms of dynamite.

5. The dynamite blasts sent people scurrying for safety and prompted shop owners and banks to shut down.

6. There is evidence that massive quantities of detonators and fuses used to ignite dynamite were in the building.

7. Nitroglycerine is an explosive liquid that can be used to manufacture explosives like dynamite and for construction and demolition purposes.

8. He says the sticks of dynamite were destroyed along with four automatic rifles and nine rocket propelled grenades.

9. The carefully orchestrated crash gave off energy equivalent to exploding nearly 5 tons of dynamite.

10. An initial investigation suggested the family were making the dynamite to produce fireworks without permission.

dynamite 英英释义



1. an explosive containing nitrate sensitized with nitroglycerin absorbed on wood pulp



1. blow up with dynamite

    e.g. The rock was dynamited

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