
earthling是什么意思 earthling在线翻译 earthling什么意思 earthling的意思 earthling的翻译 earthling的解释 earthling的发音 earthling的同义词

earthling [ˈɜ:θlɪŋ]  [ˈɜ:rθlɪŋ] 


earthling 基本解释


earthling 双语例句

1. earthling的意思

1. A man of perfect practice always asks himself to be an honest and sincere earthling. Sometime, he is like a fool and been treated unfairly, but he doesn`t care.

2. A man of perfect practice he always asks himself to be an honest and sincere earthling. Sometime, he is like a fool and been treated unfairly, but he doesn't care it.

3. Become legends, to witness the earthling minor, I hope I can become your friend.

4. Looking back at the earthling, have to have air-to-air to air-to-air, exercise tea has long been lost also.

5. An Earthling is employed by an intergalactic fe deration to watch over a Way Station they secretly set up on Earth.

6. earthling的意思

6. Alltold, Pandora, the planet-utopia, is something of a Taoist ideal, which thegreedy earthling humans are destroying...

7. Poetry is the art of emotion. Hui Hong attaches much emphasis on embedding the emotion in poems. Though he is always blamed by the earthling duo to much emotions in his poems, he never gives up this thought of poetics.

8. earthling

8. The work of reducing noise is a system engineering which includes scientific layout machine room of ADVANTX system, interconnection cables, making cable duct and earthling assembly, and so on.

9. earthling的意思

9. He formed his own stylelish in his creation, leaving lots of elegant music to the earthling.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. The Earthling and the Martian agree that she holds a single object in her hand, but they disagree over what its sort is.

11. earthling的翻译

11. Now in the exploitation, there are cavities about history of Buddha, publicity and Kwan-yin, which bring forth abundant Buddha culture to the earthling.

12. There are few people in the world who would like to give up fame and success and willing to be an earthling.

13. Flaming Qiao Buddha everything carefully brightly lit, jade pure brilliant Zhanzhan patriotic democratic movements, the earthling things dressing!

14. Giant panda is one of the species that is in severe danger, whose protection gets the earthling attention, thus the researches of staple food bamboo for giant panda become the chiefly task to protect this rarity animal.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

15. Ordos basin with profuse coal, petroleum, natural gas and others mineral resources creates the comprehensiveness notice of earthling, and becomes of studying hotspots for China and foreign countries geologist.

16. Great changes have taken place in various aspects and the strategy goal of breaking away from difficulties in three years has been realized, as is concerned by the earthling.

17. According to Laozi, maintaining gentleness is the best existence way to achieve a natural life. Also he wished the earthling alter living attitude by means of maintaining gentleness, melt social struggle so that thoroughly resolve the social evils of that time.

18. earthling的反义词

18. As an important part of Chinese ancient block-printed edition industry, the block-printed edition in Song dynasty are canonized by earthling with its with special care technology.

19. earthling是什么意思

19. Measurement of Earthling Resistance and Verification of Earthling Ohmmeter

20. The Analysis of the Language in The Story of Awoken Earthling Marriage from the Use of Dialect

earthling 词典解释

1. 地球人(用于科幻作品)
    Earthling is used in science fiction to refer to human beings who live on the planet Earth.

earthling 单语例句


1. I felt I was an earthling who had been shipped to somewhere in the outer space.

earthling 英英释义



1. an inhabitant of the earth

    Synonym: tellurianearthmanworldling

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