
edelweiss是什么意思 edelweiss在线翻译 edelweiss什么意思 edelweiss的意思 edelweiss的翻译 edelweiss的解释 edelweiss的发音 edelweiss的同义词

edelweiss [ˈeɪdlvaɪs]  ['eɪdlvaɪs] 

edelweiss 基本解释


名词雪绒花; 高山,火绒草

edelweiss 网络解释

1. 火绒草:●薄雪草(火绒草)(EDELWEISS)奥地利的国花重点-茴香适合作填空花(FillerFlower)使用,要注意的是有些人并不十分欣赏它的特殊香味. 由于色彩偏向柠檬黄,所以很适合与紫罗兰系的花朵搭配. ●卡多利亚(CATTLEYA)哥伦比亚的国花

edelweiss 双语例句

1. I miss the white one after another into the Edelweiss, float into your heart, I feel to you the greetings and best wishes!

2. Edelweiss is the national flower of Switzerland. Edelweiss, one of the best-known European mountain flowers, belongs to the sunflower family.

3. edelweiss什么意思

3. Six kids are singing a song: Edelweiss….

4. Six kids are singing a song: Edelweiss.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. Another source of irritation for Austrians is the song Edelweiss, which is considered a traditional folk song by many filmgoers.

6. Six kids are singing song: Edelweiss….

7. The English party a beautiful song Edelweiss.

8. I am very luckly to meet a edelweiss. I was attracted deeply to her beauty and purity.

9. edelweiss的反义词

9. Wish you were born in winter, as Edelweiss, with the pure and beautiful under the sun!

10. Edelweiss is a kind of plant in Alps.

11. There is a story: who obtained the edelweiss will get luck and blessedness.

12. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

12. Edelweiss, edlweiss every moring you greet me small and white clean and white you look happy to meet me blossom of snow...
      雪绒花 每日清晨我遇见你又小又白又干净又晶莹你看起来看见我很高兴含苞待放的雪骨朵也学你会开花生长开花生长到永远。。。

13. The song I love best is Edelweiss.

14. Among them, to express love for nature extremely sound of music the most popular and light-hearted lonely shepherds and tender feeling, the joy of the generous edelweiss, including the DuoLaiMi timid maria and the children of the night, bye!

15. In the middle of it, there is a Edelweiss, the national flower of Austria.

16. Subsequently he enclosed a bloom of edelweiss culled on the heights, as he said, in my honour.

17. This aluminium coin was replaced in 1959 by a bronze version with three Edelweiss flowers.

18. Edelweiss and gentian are two of the best known alpine flowers, but many others are also perfectly adapted to this hostile environment.

19. Main compositions: Edelweiss Extract, Natural filtering element, peony extract, Aloe, Quiet type VC ramification.

20. We say " Austria, " and you say " Edelweiss, " right?

edelweiss 单语例句


1. A highlight of the concert will be when Chen combines two patriotic songs, the Austrian Edelweiss and China's My Motherland and Me.


edelweiss 英英释义


1. alpine perennial plant native to Europe having leaves covered with whitish down and small flower heads held in stars of glistening whitish bracts

    Synonym: Leontopodium alpinum

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