
edge是什么意思 edge在线翻译 edge什么意思 edge的意思 edge的翻译 edge的解释 edge的发音 edge的同义词 edge的反义词 edge的例句 edge的相关词组

edge [edʒ]  [ɛdʒ] 


edge 基本解释

名词边; 优势; (悬崖、峭壁的)边缘,端; 锋利,尖锐

及物动词在…上加边界; 使渐进; 给(刀刃)磨边,使锋利; 修整


edge 同义词

edge 反义词



edge 相关词组

1. on edge : 竖着, 紧张, 急切;

edge 网络解释

1. edge的解释

1. 棱:**多面体欧拉公式的发现定义1、若干个平面多边形围成的几何体叫多面体(Polyhedron)围成多面体的各个多边形叫多面体的面(Face)两个面的公共边叫多面体的棱(Edge)若干个面的公共顶点叫多面体的顶点(Vertex)定义2、把多面体的任何一个面伸展为平面,

2. edge:electronic data gathering equipment; 电子数据采集设备

3. edge在线翻译

3. edge:enhanced data for gsm evolution; 增强数据速率的

4. edge:electronic data – gathering equipment; 电子数据收集设备

edge 词典解释

1. 边;边线;边缘
    The edge of something is the place or line where it stops, or the part of it that is furthest from the middle.

    e.g. We were on a hill, right on the edge of town...
    e.g. She was standing at the water's edge...

2. (刀、斧等的)锋,刃
    The edge of something sharp such as a knife or an axe is its sharp or narrow side.


    e.g. ...the sharp edge of the sword.

3. 缓慢地移动;挪动
    If someone or something edges somewhere, they move very slowly in that direction.

    e.g. He edged closer to the telephone, ready to grab it...
    e.g. He is edging ahead in the opinion polls.

4. (尤指坏事的)边缘,临界点
    The edge of something, especially something bad, is the point at which it may start to happen.


    e.g. They have driven the rhino to the edge of extinction...
    e.g. She was on the edge of tears.

5. 优势;上风
    If someone or something has an edge, they have an advantage that makes them stronger or more likely to be successful than another thing or person.

    e.g. The three days France have to prepare could give them the edge over England...
    e.g. Through superior production techniques they were able to gain the competitive edge.

6. 影响力;锋芒
    If you say that someone or something has an edge, you mean that they have a powerful quality.


    e.g. Featuring new bands gives the show an edge...
    e.g. Greene's stories had an edge of realism.

7. (声音的)尖锐,尖刻,激动
    If someone's voice has an edge to it, it has a sharp, bitter, or emotional quality.

    e.g. But underneath the humour is an edge of bitterness...
    e.g. There was a nervous edge to his voice.

8. see also: cutting edge;knife-edge;leading edge

9. 紧张不安;烦躁
    If you or your nerves are on edge, you are tense, nervous, and unable to relax.

    e.g. My nerves were constantly on edge.

10. 有浓厚兴趣;聚精会神
    If you say that someone is on the edge of their seat or chair, you mean that they are very interested in what is happening or what is going to happen.

    e.g. Most of the time the audience is on the edge of its seat.

11. (无伤大雅的)瑕疵,小毛病
      If you say that a person or a piece of entertainment has rough edges, you mean that they have some small faults, although generally you approve of them.

      e.g. The show, despite some rough edges, was an instant success.

12. 减轻;弱化
      If something takes the edge off a situation, usually an unpleasant one, it weakens its effect or intensity.

      e.g. A spell of poor health took the edge off her performance.

13. to set your teeth on edge -> see tooth

相关词组:edge out

edge 单语例句

1. But the firm's business growth has been sluggish in recent years, as its technological edge has largely failed to translate into substantial market success.

2. With their wide experience and sophisticated transaction systems, foreign banks have an edge over their Chinese counterparts in the credit card business.

3. Bargain hunters pushed Chinese equities to edge up Tuesday, led by energy and financial large caps.

4. Their attempt to maintain market share by further increasing manufacturing capacity must be weighed carefully in view of their real competitive edge in the market.

5. China is third in Group C, holding a narrow edge in points over Russia.

6. Her edge quality is so high, she carves the ice like a calligrapher.

7. Israel and Jordan can be seen near the top edge of the frame.

8. Barrett said Cardinal's competitive edge in China is its strong relationships with major drug manufacturers in the US and worldwide.

9. The move is aimed at enhancing the carrier's strength and competitive edge in the Chinese capital.

10. Carter said he had advice for independent candidate Ralph Nader, who polls show is pulling votes from Kerry and giving Bush an edge.

edge 英英释义


1. a sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an object

    e.g. he rounded the edges of the box

2. the outside limit of an object or area or surface
    a place farthest away from the center of something

    e.g. the edge of the leaf is wavy
           she sat on the edge of the bed
           the water's edge

3. a slight competitive advantage

    e.g. he had an edge on the competition

4. the attribute of urgency in tone of voice

    e.g. his voice had an edge to it

    Synonym: sharpness

5. the boundary of a surface

    Synonym: border

6. a line determining the limits of an area

    Synonym: boundarybound



1. provide with an edge

    e.g. edge a blade

2. lie adjacent to another or share a boundary

    e.g. Canada adjoins the U.S.
           England marches with Scotland

    Synonym: borderadjoinabutmarchbuttbutt againstbutt on

3. advance slowly, as if by inches

    e.g. He edged towards the car

    Synonym: inch

4. provide with a border or edge

    e.g. edge the tablecloth with embroidery

    Synonym: border

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