
effort是什么意思 effort在线翻译 effort什么意思 effort的意思 effort的翻译 effort的解释 effort的发音 effort的同义词 effort的反义词 effort的例句

effort [ˈefət]  [ˈefərt] 


effort 基本解释

名词工作; 努力,尝试; 成就; 杰作

effort 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. He lifted up the rock without effort.

2. His efforts had no smallest chance of success.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. Finishing the work in one day was a good effort.

4. effort

4. He made an effort to climb the wall.

5. effort

5. I decided to make one more effort.

effort 情景对话

Waking Someone Up-(叫醒某人)

A:Hey, Jim, it’s time to wake up? and get out of bed.

B:Do I have to get up now?

A:You’d better get up, or you’ll be late.

B:What are you talking about? My alarm hasn’t even gone off yet.
      你说什么呀? 我的闹钟都还没响呢?

A:Yes, it did. It went off? 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it?. You’re like a dead person while you sleep.

B:I must have slept right through it.

A:Rise and shine?! Sleepyhead!


B:Just let me sleep 5 more minutes.

A:The early bird gets the worm?.

B:I know. I know. But I don’t want any worms.

A:Ha! Ha! If you don’t make an effort now, later on it’ll be a lot tougher for you.
      哈!哈! 如果你现在不努力的话,将来的生活就会变得更加艰

effort 网络解释

1. 力点:但目前应科中心刚成立,尚在交替(transition)阶段,虽有学术谘询委员协助建构中心架构,但模式尚不明确,除前述的三大研究领域外,有待共同讨论未来中心的研究著力点(effort),更急需一位Dir

2. 力:学好一门外语需要时间和努力.(effort) 44. 如何解决这道难题将在明天的会上讨论.(solve) 3eud 教育网 http://www.3edu.net 教学资源集散地.可能是最大的免费教育资源网! 45. 对学生来说,把座位让给这位老年妇女是最礼貌的.(polite) 46.

3. 工作量:估计方法可以应用于所有需要估计的场合,但是在项目管理中,通常需要对项目的规模(Size)、工作量(Effort)、进度(Schedule)等进行估计. 项目规模(Size)代表着项目可交付物--产品或服务--的需求范围、复杂程度等项目的本质特点.

effort 词典解释

1. 努力;气力;精力
    If you make an effort to do something, you try very hard to do it.

    e.g. He made no effort to hide his disappointment...
    e.g. Finding a cure requires considerable time and effort.

2. 吃力;费力
    If you say that someone did something with effort or with an effort, you mean it was difficult for them to do.

    e.g. She took a deep breath and sat up slowly and with great effort...
    e.g. With an effort she contained her irritation.

3. (为达到某一目的的)有组织的行动,一系列活动
    An effort is a particular series of activities that is organized by a group of people in order to achieve something.


    e.g. ...a famine relief effort in Angola.

4. 费力的事;困难的事;劳神的事
    If you say that something is an effort, you mean that an unusual amount of physical or mental energy is needed to do it.


    e.g. Even carrying the camcorder while hiking in the forest was an effort.

5. 尽力;尝试;勉为其难
    If you make the effort to do something, you do it, even though you need extra energy to do it or you do not really want to.


    e.g. I don't get lonely now because I make the effort to see people.

6. 勇气;决心
    If you do something difficult or painful by an effort of will, you manage to make yourself do it.


    e.g. It was only by a supreme effort of will and courage that he was able to pull himself together.

7. 值得努力去做
    If you say that something is worth the effort, you mean that it will justify the energy that you have spent or will spend on it.


    e.g. Fortunately, the chore of leaf sweeping is well worth the effort.

effort 单语例句

1. China may prohibit foreign insurers from buying into more than one domestic insurance company, in an effort to avoid competition between the buyer and the seller.

2. Shoppers have also found they can save time and effort by buying seafood on a website rather than in a physical store.

3. Practitioners exert a good deal of effort in class and consequently sweat profusely.

4. That effort will take precedence over buying back shares, he said.

5. A sustainable good relationship between China and Japan is something that requires a great deal of steady effort.

6. The China effort is part of the company's global campaign, which is known by its pink ribbon symbol.

7. Analysts are divided on the government's effort to get closer with China's reality by adjusting the weight of home price in CPI.

8. Mission Control finally instructed them to call it a day and resume the effort Monday morning.

9. SARFT has held a working conference in Beijing to call for the effort to establish a broadcasting system of animated films.

10. The calling for Qixi to be recognised as China's Lovers'Day is part of this effort.

effort 英英释义



1. a notable achievement

    e.g. he performed a great feat
           the book was her finest effort

    Synonym: featexploit

2. use of physical or mental energy
    hard work

    e.g. he got an A for effort
           they managed only with great exertion

    Synonym: elbow greaseexertiontravailsweat

3. earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something

    e.g. made an effort to cover all the reading material
           wished him luck in his endeavor
           she gave it a good try

    Synonym: attemptendeavorendeavourtry

4. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end

    e.g. he supported populist campaigns
           they worked in the cause of world peace
           the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant
           the movement to end slavery
           contributed to the war effort

    Synonym: campaigncausecrusadedrivemovement

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