
eloquent是什么意思 eloquent在线翻译 eloquent什么意思 eloquent的意思 eloquent的翻译 eloquent的解释 eloquent的发音 eloquent的同义词

eloquent [ˈeləkwənt]  [ˈɛləkwənt] 

比较级:more eloquent最高级:most eloquent

eloquent 基本解释

形容词动人的; 雄辩的,有口才的; 有说明力的; 富于表情的,逼真的

eloquent 相关例句


1. The speaker made an eloquent appeal for human rights.

2. Eyes are more eloquent than lips.

eloquent 网络解释

1. 雄辩:什么是风度翩翩,我觉得作为一个外交官,他必须要具备四个E的素质,即高雅(elegant),雄辩(eloquent),高效(efficient)和博学(erudite). 吴建民先生的举止风度、对工作的热忱以及懂得西方的礼仪,给法国人民留下了非常深刻的印象.

2. 雄辩的:elope 私奔,逃亡 | eloquent 雄辩的 | elucidate 阐明,说明

3. 口才好的;雄辩的:7.criticize 批评;评论 | 8.eloquent 口才好的;雄辩的 | 9.encounter 相遇;遭遇 偶然碰见;面临

4. 有口才的,善辩的:eligible 合格的 | eloquent 有口才的,善辩的 | embarrassing 令人尴尬的

eloquent 词典解释

1. (言辞、文字等)表达生动的,有说服力的
    Speech or writing that is eloquent is well expressed and effective in persuading people.

    e.g. I heard him make a very eloquent speech at that dinner.

...the eloquence of his prose.
Jan speaks eloquently about her art.

2. 雄辩的;口才流利的;能言善辩的
    A person who is eloquent is good at speaking and able to persuade people.

    e.g. He was eloquent about his love of books.
    e.g. ...one particularly eloquent German critic.

I wish I'd had the eloquence of Helmut Schmidt.

eloquent 单语例句

1. They'll surely be more eloquent and charming than we are because they'll be selected from a large pool of talented and trained individuals.

2. The uproar generated among China's citizenry was eloquent and equal to the task.

3. The lack of noise from some of Europe's biggest clubs was perhaps the most eloquent statement about the transfer market during this global credit crunch.

4. There was the eloquent and debonair Federer, the MC for the match he conceived and helped organize a day earlier.

5. Obama's campaign was marked by his eloquent speeches, passionate supporters and worldwide fanfare for the Democratic candidate.

6. The latest installment of Eloquent Ji Xiaolan will be shown on Beijing TV from Dec 28.

7. But his remarks contain very few concrete and specific measures for curbing greenhouse gas emissions except eloquent words.

8. It is also unacceptable that once again those " eloquent speakers " set themselves up as judges and give lessons to China.

9. In a recent public address, the eloquent and elegant talking head was booed off the stage.

10. His eloquent defence led to Zhang's prison term being reduced from 15 to nine years.

eloquent 英英释义



1. expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively

    e.g. able to dazzle with his facile tongue
           silver speech

    Synonym: facilefluentsilversilver-tonguedsmooth-spoken

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