
emerge是什么意思 emerge在线翻译 emerge什么意思 emerge的意思 emerge的翻译 emerge的解释 emerge的发音 emerge的同义词 emerge的反义词 emerge的例句

emerge [iˈmɜ:dʒ]  [iˈmɜ:rdʒ] 


emerge 基本解释

不及物动词出现,浮现; 暴露; 摆脱

emerge 同义词

emerge 反义词


emerge 相关例句


1. Nothing emerged from the bilateral talks.

2. The ship emerged from behind the fog.

3. The moon emerged from behind a cloud.

4. The sun emerged from behind the clouds.

emerge 网络解释

1. 浮现:人们从最初浸没于(submerge)该境况中,到从该境况中浮现(emerge)出来,以至参与其中(intervene). 该境况不应被视为命中注定的或是不可改变的,而应视为只是有限的,具有挑战性的. 而知识,以及教育,都是探究(inquiry)的过程. 离开了探究,

2. emerge

2. 显露:即生物在每一层次中如分子层次,细胞层次,组织层次,和器官层次,每一层次中都被一种修剪的计算程序来规范,但当这层次的结构成立之后,它的新获得的机能就显露(emerge)出来,换言之,整体

emerge 词典解释

1. 出现;露出
    To emerge means to come out from an enclosed or dark space such as a room or a vehicle, or from a position where you could not be seen.

    e.g. Richard was waiting outside the door as she emerged...
    e.g. The postman emerged from his van soaked to the skin.

2. (从困境或不好的经历中)摆脱出来,熬出来
    If you emerge from a difficult or bad experience, you come to the end of it.

    e.g. There is growing evidence that the economy is at last emerging from recession.
    e.g. ...their plans to emerge from bankruptcy by February of next year.

3. (事实或结果)显露,显现,暴露
    If a fact or result emerges from a period of thought, discussion, or investigation, it becomes known as a result of it.

    e.g. ...the growing corruption that has emerged in the past few years...
    e.g. It soon emerged that neither the July nor August mortgage repayment had been collected...

4. 显露;露头;显现
    If someone or something emerges as a particular thing, they become recognized as that thing.

    e.g. Mr Shevardnadze emerged as a major figure in the reform movement...
    e.g. Vietnam has emerged as the world's third-biggest rice exporter...

5. (机构、行业等)形成,兴起,出现
    When something such as an organization or an industry emerges, it comes into existence.

    e.g. ...the new republic that emerged in October 1917.
    e.g. ...a loose alliance of developed and emerging countries.

emerge 单语例句

1. Critics argue that new technologies will emerge and replace CCS in 50 years.

2. Hong Kong filmmakers became highly employable in the early CEPA years, but a truly integrated cinema did not emerge for a long time.

3. He chose comedic actors who haven't been overexposed on film, planning to have them play their roles seriously and have a humorous tone emerge naturally.

4. Even while titles were coming in, the problems were starting to emerge.

5. The benchmark Shanghai Composite index has since plunged more than 20 percent as big cash calls have started to emerge.

6. As the developing economies emerge as the new engine for the global economy, container volumes at their ports are expected to register rapid growth.

7. Santorum vaulted from the back of the pack to emerge as the latest conservative contender in a Republican race that has been marked by volatility.

8. The bank believes that if the continent has to emerge out of poverty, tackling those issues that have delayed its development is the right way to go.

9. A number of preponderant enterprises with famous brands, core intellectual property and rich experience in utilizing the intellectual property system will emerge.

10. " I fear a deeper correction will emerge after several days of rises, the same as what happened when the government cut the stamp tax " in April.

emerge 英英释义


1. come out into view, as from concealment

    e.g. Suddenly, the proprietor emerged from his office

2. become known or apparent

    e.g. Some nice results emerged from the study

3. come out of

    e.g. Water issued from the hole in the wall
           The words seemed to come out by themselves

    Synonym: issuecome outcome forthgo forthegress

4. come up to the surface of or rise

    e.g. He felt new emotions emerge

5. happen or occur as a result of something

    Synonym: come forth

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