
eminent是什么意思 eminent在线翻译 eminent什么意思 eminent的意思 eminent的翻译 eminent的解释 eminent的发音 eminent的同义词 eminent的反义词

eminent [ˈemɪnənt]  [ˈɛmənənt] 

eminent 基本解释

形容词显赫的; (指人)知名的,杰出的,卓越的; (指品质、特性)明显的,显着的,突出的; 闻达

eminent 同义词

eminent 反义词


eminent 网络解释

1. eminent的近义词

1. 杰出的:需要提及,莫斯卡生涯的这个方面总是杰出的(eminent),但从未特别著名(prominent),它只是加强了他的某种精神态度,使得他倾向于让自己的这种工作永远保持萌芽的形式,甚至在某些方面还把这种工作服从于某个政党的前途(outlook).

2. eminent的翻译

2. 显赫的:事件决定,为了真理,或为了显赫的(eminent)化合价,以前的逻辑将其限定在不确定的或非-化合价的领域中. 由于这是可能的,修改了情境的某个组成部分的化合价之单义的行为,逐渐在其全体性中开始转变情境的逻辑. 虽然情境的存在-多样性仍然是未改变的,

3. 杰出的,显赫的:68. boldly 大胆的,显露的 | 69. eminent 杰出的,显赫的 | 70. dry 无味的,干巴巴的(这个简单的单词但有生动的用法)

4. 崇高:34 规律 Disciplined | 35 纯洁 Pure | 36 崇高 Eminent

eminent 词典解释

1. (尤指因专业出众而)著名的,受尊敬的,有声望的
    An eminent person is well-known and respected, especially because they are good at their profession.


    e.g. ...an eminent scientist.

eminent 单语例句

1. To gain the coveted cachet of " an international business school ", many EMBA programs also establish an overseas campus or invite eminent foreign professors and scholars.

2. The Zikai Cup 2006 National Caricature Exhibition is named after the eminent artist Feng Zikai and shows the latest works by Chinese caricaturists.

3. Eminent monks are invited to the Jiuhua Mountain Cemetery to hold special a ceremony to carry forward the filial culture.

4. Eminent American linguist, cognitive scientist and activist Noam Chomsky calls it " profit over people ".

5. The eminent curator also points out that although he is famous in Venice now, no one made a fuss of anyone called Marco Polo at the time.

6. Their main objective was to show the eminent position of the dead.

7. When its examination system and education methods submerge some aspects of students'ability, we have also educated a lot of eminent graduates in other aspects.

8. Eminent academics and critics had testified that it was not a matter for the state to judge obscenity and restricting expression was unconstitutional.

9. LONDON - Heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said in an interview published on Monday.

10. The skull used to make it was usually taken from an eminent deceased monk according to his will.

eminent 英英释义


1. of imposing height
    especially standing out above others

    e.g. an eminent peak
           lofty mountains
           the soaring spires of the cathedral
           towering icebergs

    Synonym: loftysoaringtowering

2. standing above others in quality or position

    e.g. people in high places
           the high priest
           eminent members of the community

    Synonym: high

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