
emphasis是什么意思 emphasis在线翻译 emphasis什么意思 emphasis的意思 emphasis的翻译 emphasis的解释 emphasis的发音 emphasis的同义词

emphasis [ˈemfəsɪs]  [ˈɛmfəsɪs] 


emphasis 基本解释

名词强调; 着重; (轮廓、图形等的)鲜明; 突出,重读

emphasis 相关例句


1. You put too much emphasis on the last syllable.

2. emphasis的近义词

2. They put emphasis on quality rather than on quantity.

3. Morality was the emphasis of his speech.

emphasis 网络解释

1. emphasis的解释

1. 强调,重点:语言习得指无意识过程(Unconscious),语言学习指有意识过程(Conscious输入的主要内容(Focus of the Input),语言习得指意义(Meaning),语言学习指语法结构规则(Grammar Rules强调重点(Emphasis),语言习得指流利(Fluency),

2. 重点:对企业文化建设重点(Emphasis)的认识的厘清,有助于我们合理分配时间和精力,集中力量研究这一转化的机制及过程,研究其转化途径与办法,把握转化的方向与性质,使企业文化真正从理论、概念、思想、制度、规则转化为实实在在的精神活动与工作活动,

3. 重点;强调:将员工的表现放在重点强调(Emphasis)的地位,而且首先明确希望的结果是什么. 4、充分交流. 利用电子邮件(E-mail)与每个人交流,并且在共同感兴趣或重要的议题上保持一种连续、开放、建设性的讨论.

emphasis 词典解释

1. 重点;强调
    Emphasis is special or extra importance that is given to an activity or to a part or aspect of something.

    e.g. Too much emphasis is placed on research...
    e.g. Grant puts a special emphasis on weather in his paintings.

2. (对音节、单词或短语的)强调,重读
    Emphasis is extra force that you put on a syllable, word, or phrase when you are speaking in order to make it seem more important.

    e.g. 'I might have known it!' Miss Burnett said with emphasis...
    e.g. The emphasis is on the first syllable of the last word.

emphasis 单语例句

1. Because so much emphasis is being placed on economic growth this year, it is especially tempting to bypass the green baseline.

2. The cabinet put special emphasis on the services industry in rural areas, urging an increase in farmers'incomes and a relaxation of the urban household registration system.

3. Emphasis is placed on an extensive range of imported wines, with Californian wine served by the glass.

4. Wu's emphasis on creating a cultured environment turns the class of about 40 students and their parents into a ceremonial site for calligraphy.

5. The lines are elastic and full of rhythm on ceramic, while the colors are layered and have emphasis on canvas.

6. This is obviously a policy with more emphasis on formality rather than on substantial ways to improve the government employees'working capability.

7. The practical activity of giving emphasis on professional ethics for public servants was an important move to improve professional ethics level of public servants.

8. Such an emphasis on incentives addresses legislators'concerns about the actual effect of the new law.

9. But one cannot draw parallels between this renewed emphasis on chastity and some conservative Americans'advocacy of celibacy.

10. But an emphasis on expanding the number of doctoral students has brought some problems, which demand a change in the management style of our educational policy.

emphasis 英英释义


1. intensity or forcefulness of expression

    e.g. the vehemence of his denial
           his emphasis on civil rights

    Synonym: vehemence

2. the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch)

    e.g. he put the stress on the wrong syllable

    Synonym: stressaccent

3. special and significant stress by means of position or repetition e.g.

4. special importance or significance

    e.g. the red light gave the central figure increased emphasis
           the room was decorated in shades of grey with distinctive red accents

    Synonym: accent

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