
empty talk是什么意思 empty talk在线翻译 empty talk什么意思 empty talk的意思 empty talk的翻译 empty talk的解释 empty talk的发音 empty talk的同义词

empty talk

empty talk 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. Don't hold meetings which are marathons of empty talk, and don't stray from the subject at hand.

2. empty talk的解释

2. I believed this absolutely is not an empty talk, I have the confidence I certainly to be allowed to achieve.

3. However, I became disappointed after a few more visits. All I heard was just empty talk about God. I did not think God existed. I felt it was meaningless and a sheer waste of time to dwell on an assumption that was false.

4. Once the opportunity moves Ministry of Supply, this can be a lucrative post A, controller of Ministry of Supply looks for me to talk, took the office, see placed station computer, empty is sent a bit in the heart, ask me when chief can when, I fumble say not very is met, he saw me, say this is the technical ability that wants to must master, call me to learn rapidly.

5. empty talk什么意思

5. Empty talk linguistics a scientific view at the language.

6. empty talk

6. Otherwise talk in generalities, include it seems that every phenomenon, actually empty none, such jar, others is look over forgets!

7. What if take no account of an interest, resource develops is balanced, the development western is an empty talk.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. There is less empty talk and more hard work.

9. empty talk

9. There must be less empty talk and more hard work.

10. empty talk的解释

10. Only make empty promises; empty talk without deeds; jaw but do nothing; make a lame excuse in vain; It is no use trying to make excuse.; render lip service; That is a shallow pretext that won't do you a bit of good.

11. Protection and folk, we must establish a scientific and effective protection mechanism, otherwise, any slogans are empty talk.

12. He is a practical man and doesn't like empty talk.

13. I said these are not an empty talk.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. It is no more than empty talk.

15. empty talk什么意思

15. It is no more than an empty talk.

16. danci.911chaxun.com

16. You don't take his word, and it is only an empty talk

17. You don't take his word, it is only an empty talk

18. What he says is just an empty talk without any content and don't be so serious.

19. It's no more than an empty talk.

20. There is no urban planning, city management and construction of a competitive city that is empty talk.

empty talk 单语例句

1. The discussion about socialism and capitalism at that time inherited the mantle of the empty talk that characterized the previous political campaigns.

2. Speakers give long speeches full of empty talk and listeners have nothing else to do but doze off.

3. Xi's latest admonishment against empty talk and his appeal for hard work have naturally reminded us of the lesson of the former Soviet Union.

4. The North " never makes an empty talk but always tells truth, " the ministry said in the statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.

5. Therefore, such an " innovative " measure is just empty talk and a farce in practice.

6. Neither would it be meaningful for NPC deputies and CPPCC members to gather once a year just to mouth empty talk and praise.

7. The document's emphasis on transparency and public participation is impressive, because it does not stop at empty talk.

8. It is empty talk to have two systems when even the " one country " precondition is not met.

9. Beijing on Monday urged Tokyo not to engage in empty talk about " dialogue " and to stop infringing on China's territorial sovereignty.

10. They are consoling proof that when Xi warned against empty talk the other day, he meant it.

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