
enabled是什么意思 enabled在线翻译 enabled什么意思 enabled的意思 enabled的翻译 enabled的解释 enabled的发音 enabled的同义词 enabled的反义词

enabled [e'neɪbld]  [e'neɪbld] 


enabled 基本解释


动词使能够,提供做…的权利[措施]( enable的过去式和过去分词 ); 使可能

enabled 网络解释

1. 有效:7.其它断点操作 GDB给每个断点赋上一个整数数字,这个数字在操作断点时起到重要作用,它实际上就代表相应的断点. GDB中的断点有四种状态: 有效(Enabled) 禁止(Disabled) 一次有效(Enabled once) 有效后删除(Enable

2. 已启用:若为故障转移套件,已启用 (enabled) 表示丛集启动时套件会启动,而失效时若为系统多节点套件,已启用 (enabled) 表示可以在加入丛集的新节点上启动套件的应用例 (已停用表示将不启动).

3. 激活的:点右上角的 Create Store View 创建视图. 选择要应用的商店. 要在商店前端显示视图,则必须是激活的(Enabled). 许可权限Permissions Magento的许可权限既灵活又直观. 你可以创建预定义的角色. 然后创建用户并分配给角色role.

enabled 单语例句

1. The combination of Fu Haifeng's power with his regular partner Cai Yun's speed enabled the pair to become world's leading men's doubles teams since 2004.

2. Carter said the financial crisis enabled closer ties between the United States and China and he hoped China would continue to buy US government debt.

3. The third strategic question facing China and India is how to shape new global rules without challenging the multilateral system which has enabled their rise.

4. She believes staying away from the scissors has enabled her to maintain a cheerful mood, eat more vitamins and less fat.

5. Wooden plates functioned as copy machine at the ancient times that made facsimiles of vintage pieces and enabled their wide circulation.

6. His passion for rural life enabled him to observe the subtle changes of nature and farmers'everyday life in a peaceful circumstance.

7. This long history has enabled us to build excellent cooperation with the Chinese authorities, and particularly the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

8. China is unwilling to do anything that might curtail the economic growth that has enabled millions of Chinese to clamber out of poverty.

9. China's fast economic development has enabled a growing number of Chinese to realize their middle class dream of owning a car.

10. The database has enabled commercial banks to issue loans to individuals based on personal credit history rather than collateral since the beginning of 2006.

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