
enchanting是什么意思 enchanting在线翻译 enchanting什么意思 enchanting的意思 enchanting的翻译 enchanting的解释 enchanting的发音 enchanting的同义词

enchanting [ɪnˈtʃɑ:ntɪŋ]  [ɪnˈtʃæntɪŋ] 


enchanting 基本解释

形容词迷人的; 妩媚的; 使人喜悦的

动词使欣喜,使心醉(enchant的现在分词); 使迷惑

enchanting 相关例句


1. She has the most enchanting smile.

enchanting 网络解释

1. enchanting是什么意思

1. 附魔:据称他在魔兽中的角色是一个潜行者,具有宗师级的附魔(Enchanting)和铭文技能(Inion). 他带领的公会可以说是职业级别的,他们已经清除了黑曜石圣殿-10人3龙模式Sartharion(简称:Sarth 3D)之外的所有副本.

2. enchanting的意思

2. 迷人:很多时候,我们学到的听到的都是怎样去形容女性,比如:迷人(enchanting),光芒四射(dazzling),可爱(adorable)等等. 这一次我们就来学学形容男士的词儿. He is sleek (朴实却不失优雅), stylish (有品味), radiant (光芒四射) with charisma (领袖气质/王者风范).

3. 迷人的:enchanter 魔法师 | enchanting 迷人的 | enchantment 迷惑

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 就这么着了魔:Now I live through you and you through me 于是我中有你,你中有我 | Enchanting 就这么着了魔 | I pray in my heart that this dream never ends 从心底祈愿,沉醉梦里不愿醒

enchanting 词典解释

1. 迷人的;令人陶醉的
    If you describe someone or something as enchanting, you mean that they are very attractive or charming.

    e.g. She's an absolutely enchanting child...
    e.g. The overall effect is enchanting.

enchanting 单语例句


1. The modern Cinderella story of an overweight lady is no less enchanting than the tale's other versions.

2. Legend has it that a Fragrant Concubine existed during the Qing Dynasty in Kashgar, who exuded an enchanting aroma without using perfume.

3. The diary records the man's frustration with his enchanting but adulterous wife, his sense of responsibility toward his family and his helplessness.

4. The stone has showed its most enchanting appearance to curious stone lovers, collectors and dealers at the show which runs through tomorrow.

5. His works diffuse charming and traditional scenes, always enchanting visitors and customers.

6. " Enchanting Wuxi Leisure Travel " is themed on the four seasons.

7. Xinjiang is well known for the expanse of its area and richness of natural resources, as well for its wonderful scenic spots and enchanting spectacles of nature.

8. More than 500 energetic and enchanting macaques live in the mountain in the park and this add to the features of the park.

9. Through enchanting sunshine and special care the painter interprets old Beijing's Hutongs, the splendid Imperial Palace and the Royal Garden using new techniques and materials.

10. This moving story is set against the exotic scenery of one of China's most enchanting regions of green hills and gentle rivers.


enchanting 英英释义


1. capturing interest as if by a spell

    e.g. bewitching smile
           Roosevelt was a captivating speaker
           enchanting music
           an enthralling book
           antique papers of entrancing design
           a fascinating woman

    Synonym: bewitchingcaptivatingenthrallingentrancingfascinating

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