
endemic是什么意思 endemic在线翻译 endemic什么意思 endemic的意思 endemic的翻译 endemic的解释 endemic的发音 endemic的同义词 endemic的反义词

endemic [enˈdemɪk]  [ɛnˈdɛmɪk] 


endemic 基本解释

形容词某地特有的; (尤指疾病)地方性的; 风土的; (动,植物)某些特产的

名词地方病; 某地特产的植物[动物]


endemic 反义词


endemic 网络解释

1. 地方病:至于犬心丝虫是否已成为地方病(endemic),端赖下述三要件是否齐备. (1)保虫者(reservoir of infection):意指携带犬幼丝状虫(Microfilaria)者;犬心丝虫症(heartworm disease)临床症状影响程度依是否出现临床症状有所不同,

2. endemic的近义词

2. 地方性的:拿DAVIS的话来说,行政裁量就如光谱一般,一端是理想状态的规则,一端是理想状态的裁量,而一般的行政裁量处于两者之间,同时行政裁量是地方性的(endemic).

3. 特有种:小叶鱼藤为台湾特有种(Endemic)植物,目前台湾仅产於佳乐水(Chialoshui)一带,数量极为稀少!在国内属严重濒临绝灭之物种之一!与老茎藤同属的蝶形花冠,唯一不同的是叶子不同,鱼藤的小叶较多,约9~13枚,叶背被绒毛;老荆藤小叶较少,

4. endemic的意思

4. 地方性:根据地理分布可分为地方性(endemic)和散发性(sporadic)两种. 地方性甲状腺肿以远离海岸的内陆山区和半山区多见,人群中约有10%以上的人患有该病,其发病人数是散发性的10倍以上. 地方性甲状腺肿的主要病因是缺碘,由于饮水及土壤中缺碘,

endemic 词典解释

1. (疾病)地方性的,流行的
    If a disease or illness is endemic in a place, it is frequently found among the people who live there.

    e.g. Polio was then endemic among children my age.

2. (情况、问题)常见的,流行的
    If you say that a condition or problem is endemic, you mean that it is very common and strong, and cannot be dealt with easily.

    e.g. Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities.
    e.g. ...powerful radicals with an endemic hatred and fear of the West.

endemic 单语例句

1. Speculation pointed to recently arrived peacekeepers from Nepal, a South Asia nation where cholera is endemic.

2. Each note and coin features a flora or fauna design that is virtually unique or endemic to Fiji.

3. Endemic and contagious diseases that afflicted people of all ethnic groups in the past have been basically wiped out.

4. Pan has said repeatedly that the pollution level in China has reached a " critical point ", and lashed out at " endemic protectionism ".

5. The makeshift camp has virtually no toilets and aid workers are warning that diarrhoea could become endemic within days.

6. The unique species is endemic to China's Bohai and Yellow seas.

7. The virus is now endemic in poultry across much of the world despite widespread culling of birds and mass vaccinations of fowl.

8. Experts say the insect has moved farther north due to global warming, and bluetongue may now be endemic in northern Europe.

9. Egypt responded similarly a few years ago to an outbreak of bird flu, which is endemic to the country and has killed two dozen people.

10. It is no longer endemic to the United States, but every year cases enter the country through foreign visitors or Americans returning from abroad.


endemic 英英释义


1. a plant that is native to a certain limited area

    e.g. it is an endemic found only this island

2. a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location

    Synonym: endemic disease


1. originating where it is found

    e.g. the autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo
           autochthonous rocks and people and folktales
           endemic folkways
           the Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan

    Synonym: autochthonalautochthonicautochthonousindigenous

2. native to or confined to a certain region

    e.g. the islands have a number of interesting endemic species

3. of or relating to a disease (or anything resembling a disease) constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality

    e.g. diseases endemic to the tropics
           endemic malaria
           food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world

    Synonym: endemical

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