
endlong是什么意思 endlong在线翻译 endlong什么意思 endlong的意思 endlong的翻译 endlong的解释 endlong的发音 endlong的同义词 endlong的反义词

endlong ['endlɒŋ]  ['endˌlɒŋ] 

endlong 基本解释


endlong 网络解释

1. endlong是什么意思

1. 纵, 直立, 全长地:go on the bat 狂欢, 纵酒取乐 | endlong 纵, 直立, 全长地 | urinalysis [医]尿分析, 验尿

2. 纵:endlessly 无穷尽地 | endlong 纵 | endmost 末端的

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 全长地:endlichite 砷钒铅矿 | endlong 全长地 | endmostextremitalterminational 末端的

4. endlong的反义词

4. 纵/全长地/直立:endlichite /砷钒铅矿/ | endlong /纵/全长地/直立/ | endmost /末端的/

endlong 双语例句

1. Using this kind of plug can both save the nutrition soil during making plugs and reduce the working intension during cultivating seedlings, raising the plant-endlong rate in transplanting seedlings.

2. Wooden floor installation checks and accept a standard: Material should accord with resident requirement and active product standard; The floor is installed should firm, breathed noise, without become loose; Wooden floor surface should plane burnishs, wait for a phenomenon without broken bits of dig mark, dig and burr, the floor of besmear varnish its design should clear; Juncture of floor spelling a flower is answered neat, aperture width is consistent, the surface is clean, without excessive glue phenomenon; Skirting board and floor connection are close; The edge on skirting board is flat, differ high endlong should not be more than ± 3 millimeter and metope are clingy, without aperture.

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3. The bottom of lotus seed type and endlong type had significant difference among small, medium and large patches.

4. The results demonstrated that the exterior morphological structure of the pharynx showed the presence of the endlong pleat.

5. endlong

5. Land gross area kilometre of ninety-nine thousand six hundred square, peninsula coasting makes an appointment with 17000 kilometre endlong include islands of great capacity

6. Standard of ornamental design acceptance of work: Ornamental design project is finishing dry hind, just can check and accept; Check and accept ornamental design project, whether does the breed that should check ornamental design, norms, design accord with design requirement; Ornamental design should be installed firm, its quality asks to reach tolerance, should accord with: The level of form ornamental design and perpendicular tolerance, every meters must not be more than 5 millimeter, must not be more than 3 millimeter endlong; The tolerance of position of alone ornamental design, must not be more than 10 millimeter; Ying Guangjie of ornamental design surface, design clarity, juncture rigor, must not interstitial, warp, edge damage drops the blemish such as horn; Back up spends exterior Ying Guangjie, design clarity, without break.

7. endlong的近义词

7. Plastic board facing construction quality checks and accept a standard: Material, tonal, shop is stuck should accord with resident to ask; Exterior level off, smooth, do not have furrow and must not become warped edge and bosomy bubble; Colour and lustre rigor of consistent, juncture, arrange quadrilateral straight, degum place must not be more than span of 20 centimeters of its be apart to must not be less than 500 millimeter; Answer with conduit union department close, firm, level off; Skirting board and plastic board connection is close, the edge on skirting board is flat, differ high endlong do not be more than ± 3 millimeter, as clingy as metope, without aperture.

8. endlong的近义词

8. Vertical include the mark of roadway stake, traverse and endlong, the earthwork of roadway, count and label of level grade. Container ramp. Rise and slope can be specified, run will be calculated automatically.

9. In terms of ecological type structures, the geophyte of life form increased significantly on large patches (p0.05). The bottom of lotus seed type and endlong type had significant difference among small, medium and large patches.

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