
engined是什么意思 engined在线翻译 engined什么意思 engined的意思 engined的翻译 engined的解释 engined的发音 engined的同义词 engined的反义词



engined 基本解释



engined 网络解释

1. 装有发动机的:engine-turning gear 盘车装置 | engined 装有发动机的 | enginee's office 轮机员办公室

engined 双语例句

1. The mid-engined two-seater car will have high-mounted exhausts, a flat underpan and louvred grille among other details.

2. Techniques vary depending on whether your car is Front engined Rear wheel drive or Front engined Front wheel drive.

3. The 599GTB, Ferrari says, is its most powerful V-12-engined production car of all time. The V-12, which is also in the 612 Scaglietti two-plus-two coupe, is derived directly from the engine in the Enzo Ferrari supercar and will produce at least 620 hp at 7600 rpm for a power-to-weight ratio of only 5.7 pounds per horsepower.
    599GTB,Ferrari 认为,是所有时刻它的最强有力的V 12 装有引擎的生产汽车。V-12,并且是在612 Scaglietti 二加上二小轿车,直接地从引擎被获得在Enzo Ferrari supercar,将导致至少620 马力在7600 转每分钟为仅仅5.7 磅力量对重量比率每马力。

4. In it`s own, mid-engined way, of course.

5. Benefits of this system were obvious over a conventional twin layout, with only the same frontal area as a single-engined aircraft, the wing left clean of engine nacelles and attendant structures, and no asymmetric pull if one engine cut out.

6. This is likely to modified to suit the mid-engined car`s sportier demeanour.

7. The factor which made Olympian success was the front mount radiator which increase the coolant efficiency which solve the problem occur on the first generation rear-engined bus. Compared with the integral design of Leyland Titan, Olympian allowed a wide variety of body for operators to suit different need.

8. engined的反义词

8. I understand some early locos were re-engined if they got damaged.

9. The majority are electric 1, 001 against just 299 diesel-engined powered carriages, although the exact ratio of new build will depend on the cascading process.

10. This is very much the case with the Ferrari 458 Italia which is a massive leap forward from the company's previous mid-rear engined sports cars.
    这是非常情况下与意大利法拉利458 ,这是一个巨大的飞跃从该公司以前的中后部发动机的跑车。

11. It had two jet engines and flew much higher than petrol-engined airliners.

12. engined的意思

12. This would be a logical next step for the MCA which can add stealth, and an engine to make it a twin engined platform.

13. The most upmarket and expensive Renaults of their time, the two cars were effectively identical; the 30 was the larger engined and more expensive of the two.
      他们当时最高档和昂贵的雷诺,这两辆车是有效相同; 30一个是较大的发动机和更昂贵的两个。

14. This is very much the case with the Ferrari 458 Italia, which is a massive leap forward from the company`s previous mid-rear engined sports cars.

15. In tests, Green Propulsion`s combined hybrid system achieved reductions in CO 2 emissions in excess of 40% and fuel savings of over 30% compared to conventional diesel engined vehicles.
      在测试中,绿色推进的组合杂交系统实现了削减二氧化碳排放量超过40 %,并节省燃油超过30 %相比,传统柴油引擎车辆。

16. In its single-seat version it was one of the fastest piston-engined fighters ever built, with a claimed top speed of around 475 mph (765 km/h).

17. engined什么意思

17. One of the few lightweight cars to offer RWD and a mid-engined configuration was the original Honda Beat.

18. You would be surrounded by tens of hellishly noisy-engined wooden boats.

19. Lift transporter diesel-engined caterpillar tractor

20. Industry figures to be released this week will show that the growth of sales of smaller-engined vehicles plunged last year in spite of a continuing boom in the overall car market, which grew by about 24 per cent.

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