
engulf是什么意思 engulf在线翻译 engulf什么意思 engulf的意思 engulf的翻译 engulf的解释 engulf的发音 engulf的同义词 engulf的反义词 engulf的例句

engulf [ɪnˈgʌlf]  [ɛnˈɡʌlf] 


engulf 基本解释

及物动词吞没; 吞食; 包住; 狼吞虎咽

engulf 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. The house was engulfed in flames.

2. The waves engulfed the boat.

3. The flood engulfed the farms and destroyed the crops.

engulf 网络解释

1. engulf什么意思

1. 吞没:重新再去恐龙森林的山坡上找那个人要就好了,位置忘记的话可以把按J把该任务勾出来查看详细位置朱庇莱克斯(Juiblex)攻击选项 寓守于攻,精通拌摔,精通攫抓,碾压2d6+10加2d6酸伤害,腐蚀(dissolve),吞没(engulf)朱庇莱克斯的牧师可以访问混乱,

2. 吞噬:以收集其科学.技术.医学方面的情报为主,而另一个隶属于国家安全保障局(NSA)的研究中心现在正在筹设中. 这类科技蕴含的破坏力是相当大的,这种武器已在很多案例中被用在 改变气候模式,和 增进目前正吞噬(engulf)你们星球的振动改变上.

3. 吞没;席卷:gulf 海湾 | engulf 吞没;席卷 | noble 高贵的

4. 卷入:最年長: latest senior | 捲入: engulf | 謠言傳說: rumor

engulf 词典解释

1. (常指突然)吞没,吞噬
    If one thing engulfs another, it completely covers or hides it, often in a sudden and unexpected way.

    e.g. A seven-year-old boy was found dead after a landslide engulfed a block of flats...
    e.g. The flat is engulfed in flames.

2. 使陷入(某种感觉或情绪)
    If a feeling or emotion engulfs you, you are strongly affected by it.

    e.g. ...the pain that engulfed him...
    e.g. He looked around his dark, cluttered office and was engulfed by a feeling of emptiness.

engulf 单语例句


1. President Vladimir Putin accused the attackers of trying to spark an ethnic conflict that would engulf Russia's troubled Caucasus Mountains region.

2. Experts fear the conflict in Somalia could engulf the already volatile Horn of Africa.

3. France national coach Laurent Blanc admitted on Friday he considered quitting as the soccer race storm threatened to engulf him and his family.

4. They drove off just as flames started to engulf their house and three barns, located about 125 miles west of Dallas.

5. Those anxieties have been compounded by signs that Europe's government debt crisis is threatening to engulf bigger economies such as Italy and Spain.

6. The rioters set fire to shops run by Han and Hui, and the flames rose to engulf the second and third floors.

7. It tastes simply that good you will probably engulf it chunk by chunk.

8. Yet the violence that erupted once Saddam's oppression was lifted has threatened to engulf the Iraqi High Tribunal.

9. Desertification also contributes to the enormous sandstorms that engulf parts of China every spring.

10. More than 10 passengers reportedly escaped through the front door or windows, which locals could break until the blaze threatened to engulf them.

engulf 英英释义


1. devote (oneself) fully to

    e.g. He immersed himself into his studies

    Synonym: steepimmerseplungeengrossabsorbsoak up

2. flow over or cover completely

    e.g. The bright light engulfed him completely

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