
enhancement是什么意思 enhancement在线翻译 enhancement什么意思 enhancement的意思 enhancement的翻译 enhancement的解释 enhancement的发音

enhancement [ɪn'hɑ:nsmənt]  [ɪnˈhænsmənt] 


enhancement 基本解释

名词增强; 提高; 增加; 改善

enhancement 相关例句


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. The company is always seeking enhancement of its products.

enhancement 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 增强:记忆细胞的启动水平受到两种一般的认知加工机制--增强(enhancement)与抑制(suppression)的调节[7]. 这两个语言理解的模型都强调启动和抑制机制在建构句子或课文意义表徵中的作用. 在阅读理解中,对歧义句消解的即时(on-line)加工过程是一个更有意义的问题.

2. 加强:制造出来的影像是连续的.然而人造的影像系统则必须经由取样(sampling)及量化(quantization)的过程取得数位影像.对於这些数位影像,我们必须面对一些影像处理的问题:(1)焦距不精准所产生的模糊影像,必须经过加强(enhancement)处理手续.(2)影像所含杂讯太多,

3. 增进:客户关系管理主要包括了三个不同的阶段,分别为获取(Acquisition)、增进(Enhancement)与维持(Retention). 而这三个各异的部份,也正和客户的不同生命周期阶段不谋而合. (2)增进现有客户的获利:在有效的运用交叉销售(Cross-selling)与提升销售(Up-selling)之下,

4. 增强型:按照电学特性,MOSFET又可以分为耗尽型(deletion)与增强型(enhancement)两类. 它们又可以进一步分为N沟型(与双极晶体管的NPN型相当)和P沟型(与双极晶体管的PNP型相当).

enhancement 词典解释

1. 提高;增加;增强
    The enhancement of something is the improvement of it in relation to its value, quality, or attractiveness.

    e.g. Music is merely an enhancement to the power of her words...
    e.g. He was concerned with the enhancement of the human condition.

enhancement 单语例句

1. Such measures include the enhancement of each country's disaster management capacity.

2. The project is being positioned as " a model and catalyst for the economic upgrading and environmental enhancement " of southern Guangdong province.

3. My stomach squirms each time I see the CCTV ad featuring a foreigner speaking strangely toned Chinese in praise of a digestion enhancement Chinese medicine.

4. I feel cheated when I realize that the food tastes so good because of chemical enhancement.

5. Schlesinger admitted that intellectual property rights protection in China has been significantly improved, but he claimed more could be done with law enforcement and enhancement of civil awareness.

6. The most common form of innovation is the organic, incremental enhancement of existing product portfolios.

7. It also recommended that a comprehensive road safety review be conducted for Tuen Mun Road, with a view to identifying further safety enhancement measures.

8. The 25 disqualified photographs were categorized as documentary work, which was not supposed to receive computer enhancement.

9. Both sides agreed that closer bilateral parliamentary exchanges are conducive to the enhancement of mutual understanding and traditional friendship between the two peoples.

10. But it said the current share price has more than reflected the value of the merger and potential enhancement in the future.

enhancement 英英释义


1. an improvement that makes something more agreeable

    Synonym: sweetening

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