
enraged是什么意思 enraged在线翻译 enraged什么意思 enraged的意思 enraged的翻译 enraged的解释 enraged的发音 enraged的同义词 enraged的反义词



enraged 基本解释


激愤;使暴怒( enrage的过去式和过去分词 );歜;

enraged 网络解释

1. 激怒:激怒(Enraged):当某组友军完全阵亡时,增加攻击力. 第一卷 崛起的龙族 第十四章 金币与商会 攻打幽灵船让陈散舟收获的不仅仅是5单位的矿石,还有金灿灿的八百个金币--这些金币是在船长室一个秘密夹层中找到的,

2. 被激怒的;愤怒的:Disgusted 厌恶的 | Enraged 被激怒的,愤怒的 | Frightened 吃惊的,恐惧的

3. enraged的解释

3. 被激怒:2.Smiling 微笑 | 3.Enraged 被激怒 | 4.Sad 悲哀难过

enraged 单语例句

1. Cambodia on Wednesday deported a Chinese woman convicted of desecrating photos of the country's recently deceased former king in front of enraged factory workers.

2. But when the warlock saw only a light drizzle drip from the cavern's ceiling, he became enraged with the Dragon King's apparent lack of gumption.

3. Chinese songwriters are enraged over a draft amendment to the copyright law as they believe it would diminish their professional rights if passed.

4. He walked into the river a frustrated and depressed man, enraged by the corruption at court and his helplessness in correcting the situation.

5. The covert US raid on bin Laden's hideout enraged Pakistan because it was carried out on Pakistani territory without Islamabad's prior knowledge.

6. Those comments enraged Sheehan supporter Dee Ann Heath, who said she has two sons serving in Iraq and another preparing to leave.

7. Some enraged joint venture employees even took to the street last week to protest the alleged hostile takeover and show their dissatisfaction about Zong's departure.

8. But dwarf groups are enraged at the appearances, insisting the stunt was demeaning.

9. The August slumber party is not the first time extracurricular activities on the Great Wall have enraged the public.

10. Brendan is a huge animal lover and they generally like him, but he did once have a frightening moment with an enraged gaggle of geese.

enraged 英英释义



1. marked by extreme anger

    e.g. the enraged bull attached
           furious about the accident
           a furious scowl
           infuriated onlookers charged the police who were beating the boy
           could not control the maddened crowd

    Synonym: angeredfuriousinfuriatedmaddened

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