
entertain是什么意思 entertain在线翻译 entertain什么意思 entertain的意思 entertain的翻译 entertain的解释 entertain的发音 entertain的同义词

entertain [ˌentəˈteɪn]  [ˌentərˈteɪn] 


entertain 基本解释

及物动词考虑; 热情款待; 使有兴趣; 抱着,怀有


entertain 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 招待:美方要招待(entertain)马英九并不是为了陈水扁. 毕竟,马英九身兼台北市长和国民党主席,两者都是很重要的职位. 加上他是2008年总统宝座的热门人选,显示他本身是位极具影响力的政治人物. "由于马英九并不是(台湾)政府官员,

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 款待:死了的他,角色改变;为了款待 (entertain) 同样至为考究(most exclusive)的蛆虫,他如今中规中矩(correct)躺在棺木内-这些蛆虫似乎「肉不正,不食」呢?正是以其治人之道,还治其身.

3. entertain的近义词

3. 招待;娱乐:enrich 丰富 | entertain 招待;娱乐 | evaluate 评价

entertain 词典解释

1. 使快乐;给…以娱乐;使有兴趣
    If a performer, performance, or activity entertains you, it amuses you, interests you, or gives you pleasure.

    e.g. ...games and ideas to entertain children...
    e.g. They were entertained by top singers, dancers and celebrities...

To generate new money the sport needs to be more entertaining...
This is a surprisingly entertaining film...
Miro is the most inventive and entertaining of surrealist painters.

2. 招待;款待
    If you entertain people, you provide food and drink for them, for example when you have invited them to your house.

    e.g. I don't like to entertain guests anymore...
    e.g. You weren't allowed to entertain men in your rooms even with a chaperone...

...a cosy area for entertaining and relaxing.

3. 考虑,心存,怀有(主意、建议等)
    If you entertain an idea or suggestion, you allow yourself to consider it as possible or as worth thinking about seriously.


    e.g. I feel how foolish I am to entertain doubts...
    e.g. I wouldn't entertain the idea of such an unsociable job.

entertain 单语例句

1. Tianjin expats are a busy lot in one of China's largest cities and hold a variety of events to entertain themselves.

2. A parade squad made up of 300 people dressing in cartoon costume also showed up on the street to entertain the crowd.

3. But Wenger is adamant his players have a responsibility to both entertain and provide the winning football all fans desire.

4. I called for a jester to entertain me and waited by the window, barely managing to contain my childish glee.

5. The comedy legend and'Monty Python'star will entertain audiences up and down Britain next year with his unique comedic perspective.

6. Cosy bars, crowded discos and busy snack stalls entertain locals and tourists in a casual style.

7. Dressed in ragged clothes, he moved his body crazily and made funny faces to entertain the audience.

8. It serves an upscale crowd of business people who want a posh but not garish place to hobnob and entertain.

9. It's cruel but few things entertain like watching a novice who has just chomped on a Sichuan pepper corn.

10. Besides the live acts, customers can also entertain themselves by playing table soccer or darts.

entertain 英英释义


1. take into consideration, have in view

    e.g. He entertained the notion of moving to South America

    Synonym: think oftoy withflirt withthink about

2. maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings)

    e.g. bear a grudge
           entertain interesting notions
           harbor a resentment

    Synonym: harborharbourholdnurse

3. provide entertainment for

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