
entirely是什么意思 entirely在线翻译 entirely什么意思 entirely的意思 entirely的翻译 entirely的解释 entirely的发音 entirely的同义词

entirely [ɪnˈtaɪəli]  [ɪnˈtaɪərli] 

entirely 基本解释

副词完全地; 完整地; 全部地; 彻底地

entirely 相关例句


1. My life is entirely given up to work.

2. It was entirely my own fault.

3. Nowadays with the help of modern instruments fishing is no longer entirely dependent on the weather.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. I entirely agree with you.

entirely 网络解释

1. 完全地:这也就意味着,德里达事件永远不可能整体地(quite)或完全地(entirely)发生或结束其发生,在某种程度上此事件仍有待来临,有待发生--比如说,今天,在伦敦;明天,在别处.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 完整地:规则最终的通过确立了欧盟新的统一国际破产法制度,根据其第47条之规定,该规则自2002年5月31日起对各成员国生效(丹麦除外,因其在欧盟有关公约的议定书中对内务司法合作事项表示不予参加),并且是完整地(entirely)与直接地(dire

3. entirely在线翻译

3. 全部地:entire 全部的 | entirely 全部地 | entitle 有资格

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 完全开采:subsequent 后来 | entirely完全开采 | monopolies开采垄断

entirely 词典解释

1. 完全地;完整地;全部地
    Entirely means completely and not just partly.

    e.g. ...an entirely new approach...
    e.g. Fraud is an entirely different matter...

2. 非常;很;完全
    Entirely is also used to emphasize what you are saying.

    e.g. I agree entirely...
    e.g. Oh, the whole episode was entirely his fault.

3. (尤用于表示批评时)不是特别,并非完全
    People sometimes use the expression not entirely to reduce the force of a strong statement, especially a critical one.

    e.g. They are not entirely happy with his criticism of the president...
    e.g. We shall see that this is not entirely true...

entirely 单语例句

1. In the new market reality, their success or failure is entirely a business matter now.

2. The friendly atmosphere has not come about entirely by chance, however.

3. Some Cabinet members say they want it moved off Japanese territory entirely, which is the sentiment of many local residents.

4. Recorded in 1932 at a music conference in Cairo, much of the sound was hard to make out or erased entirely.

5. Following the unhappy experience of the first day, organizers decided to call the exhibition off entirely.

6. Then the material goes through a carding process that is entirely mechanized, eventually ending up on large spools.

7. Yet what is striking is that Italian manufacturers have almost entirely failed to carve out a position in this booming sector.

8. In China's case the source of the state's legitimacy lies entirely outside the history or experience of Western societies.

9. By using modern techniques and materials the artist provides historically endowed entities with an entirely new significance and actuality.

10. It is entirely possible for a company to have fairly local or regional market presence and yet a highly globalized supply chain or vice versa.

entirely 英英释义



1. to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly')

    e.g. he was wholly convinced
           entirely satisfied with the meal
           it was completely different from what we expected
           was completely at fault
           a totally new situation
           the directions were all wrong
           it was not altogether her fault
           an altogether new approach
           a whole new idea

    Synonym: whollycompletelytotallyallaltogetherwhole

2. without any others being included or involved

    e.g. was entirely to blame
           a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children
           he works for Mr. Smith exclusively
           did it solely for money
           the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone
           a privilege granted only to him

    Synonym: exclusivelysolelyaloneonly

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