
envoy是什么意思 envoy在线翻译 envoy什么意思 envoy的意思 envoy的翻译 envoy的解释 envoy的发音 envoy的同义词 envoy的反义词 envoy的例句

envoy [ˈenvɔɪ]  [ˈɛnˌvɔɪ, ˈɑn-] 


envoy 基本解释

名词使节,外交官; 全权公使; 谈判代表; 书后,结尾诗节

envoy 网络解释

1. envoy在线翻译

1. 使者:建造大量防御工事但是别忘了适时发动突击,这将会帮助您的世纪炮找出敌方聚集所在地.Invasion Of Destral II 运用沃克利(Valkyrie)空中运输机侵入敌方海军基地或是派遣特使者(Envoy)运兵船去攻击敌军的主要空军基地,

2. 使节:目前GMC拥有:使节(Envoy)、峡谷(Canyon)、西拉(Sierra)育空河(Yukon)、旅行(Safari)、Savana等一系列车型. 至2009年才正式被引进到中国,目前在国内分别设有11家代理商.

3. (使):其实它们分别代表了四个不同的消息接收器区域:服务器(server)区域、对象(object)区域、信使(envoy)区域和客户端(client)区域. 要理解区域概念,你必须考虑上下文绑定的对象是否被位于另一个上下文的实体调用.

envoy 词典解释

1. 使节;使者;代表
    An envoy is someone who is sent as a representative from one government or political group to another.


2. 公使(级别在大使之下)
    An envoy is a diplomat in an embassy who is immediately below the ambassador in rank.


envoy 单语例句

1. US special envoy on climate change Todd Stern said when responding to the questions by a journalist.

2. A Han Dynasty envoy and his entourage even went on the journey to Byzantine in the year of AD 97.

3. China yesterday praised a meeting between Myanmar's leaders and a United Nations'special envoy as a positive step toward restoring calm in the troubled region.

4. Earlier the group posted web pictures of identification cards of the Egyptian envoy as proof it had kidnapped him.

5. " The difference is rather based on methods and priorities, " said the envoy after conducting successive visits to Sudan and Chad.

6. Neither Rice nor Natsios said when new sanctions would be imposed but the US envoy made clear time was running out.

7. US envoy Christopher Hill said disagreements had come down to a single issue that may take another day or two to resolve.

8. The Chinese envoy said Western nations should recognize the complexity of the Darfur issue and work for a solution with a practical and realistic approach.

9. The faithful depiction of the dazzling patterns that adorn the envoy's clothing also indicate his importance.

10. A visiting Chinese envoy said in Damascus Monday that China will strengthen consultations and coordinations with relative countries on the Middle East issues.

envoy 英英释义


1. a brief stanza concluding certain forms of poetry

    Synonym: envoi

2. someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else

    Synonym: emissary

3. a diplomat having less authority than an ambassador

    Synonym: envoy extraordinaryminister plenipotentiary

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