
equalize是什么意思 equalize在线翻译 equalize什么意思 equalize的意思 equalize的翻译 equalize的解释 equalize的发音 equalize的同义词

equalize [ˈi:kwəlaɪz]  [ˈikwəˌlaɪz] 


equalize 基本解释

及物/不及物动词补偿; 使相等; 使均衡; 打成平局

equalize 相关例句


1. equalize

1. A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms.

equalize 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 均衡:把抽真空(Vacuum)开关、氮气(Nitrogen)开关和均衡(Equalize)开关打到自动(Auto)位置,再打开气体总开关到On的位置. 关闭氮气气源,把氮气供应管换到氮气口(N2)上,把厌氧气供应管连接到厌氧气接口(anaerobic gas)上,并调节好压力(同步骤2).

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 平均化:的转化第六章 蒙板和插入局面板一.蒙板的建立1.蒙板2.制作蒙板3.蒙板面板二.蒙板的编辑1.蒙板命令2.蒙板的显示三.层蒙板四.插入层图像特技1.亮度与对比(Brightness/Contras)2.色阶(Posterize)3.平均化(Equalize)4.燃烧边界(Bu

3. equalize的反义词

3. 平衡:而其他国家则需要为他国的劳动力支付报酬,也就是购买进口商品,同时还必须支付关税,而关税则用来起平衡(equalize)配置的作用. 为此,我们需要一个合理的关税体系. <<第一财经日报>>:现在似乎全世界都在关注着中国的货币问题,

4. [色调均化]:Selective Color)命令校正图像颜色 145.使用[通道混合器](Channel Mixer)校正图像颜色 146.使用[渐变映射](Gradient Map)命令调整图像 147.使用[反相](Invert)命令反转图像颜色 148.使用[色调均化](Equalize)命令均化图像色彩

equalize 词典解释

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 equalise

1. 使均等;使平等
    To equalize a situation means to give everyone the same rights or opportunities, for example in education, wealth, or social status.

    e.g. Women in Indonesia have secured modern divorce laws that equalize the rights of husbands and wives...
    e.g. Such measures are needed to equalize wage rates between countries.

...the equalization of parenting responsibilities between men and women.

2. (体育运动中)追平比分;打成平局
    In sports such as football, if a player equalizes, he or she scores a goal that makes the scores of the two teams equal.


    e.g. Keegan equalized with only 16 minutes remaining...
    e.g. They showed little sign of equalising the Portsmouth striker's glorious 55th-minute shot.

equalize 单语例句

1. That means the government has to contribute another 400 billion yuan to equalize rural and urban residents'subsistence allowances.

2. A law that state media say is expected to be enacted would equalize tax rates, raising foreign companies'tax bills and cutting those for many Chinese entities.

3. Didier Drogba opened the scoring early on only for Jonathan Woodgate to equalize.

4. China is expected to unveil massive reform plan to equalize medical service and lower medicine prices to relieve people's grievances of the high medical costs.

5. However the Danes'superior technique and determination enabled them to easily equalize before taking a clear advantage in the first half.

6. Brazil tried to equalize by speeding up the pace, but was always stopped by tackles and timely clears from German defenders.

7. But the visitor showed its spirit to equalize the score with a direct free kick by Park.

8. China tried to equalize before the interval and fired four successive shots in the final minute.

9. However, the Chinese team staged a fierce offense to equalize the score in just one minute.

10. But a lack of defensive concentration allowed Mariano to equalize in the dying minutes.

equalize 英英释义


1. make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching

    e.g. let's equalize the duties among all employees in this office
           The company matched the discount policy of its competitors

    Synonym: equalmatchequaliseequate

2. compensate
    make the score equal

    Synonym: equaliseget even

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