
equation是什么意思 equation在线翻译 equation什么意思 equation的意思 equation的翻译 equation的解释 equation的发音 equation的同义词

equation [ɪˈkweɪʒn]  [ɪˈkweʒən, -ʃən] 


equation 基本解释

名词方程式; 等式; 相等; [化学] 反应式

equation 相关例句


1. equation

1. The two countries have been trying to maintain their military equation.

equation 网络解释

1. 方程:象这样含有未知数的等式叫做方程(equation)使方程左右两边的值相等的未知数的值,叫做方程的解

2. 方程式:在数学和逻辑学学科领域,许多原理和公式都是确定而无须质疑的,我们很难就某个方程式(equation)或自变量(argument)发表意见. 在这些领域,对就是对,错就是错,不存在也不允许带有个人感情色彩的判断,也无需人们对其正确与否提出质疑.

3. equation

3. 等式:这里只考虑球体的表面(surface),中心点为c、半径为r的球体表面可用等式(equation)表示:这里用到一个IntersectResult类,这个类只用来记录交点的几何物件(geometry)、距离(distance)、位置(position)和法向量(normal).

equation 词典解释

1. 等式;方程式
    An equation is a mathematical statement saying that two amounts or values are the same, for example 6x4=12x2.


2. (多种因素需加以综合考虑的)平衡,综合体
    An equation is a situation in which two or more parts have to be considered together so that the whole situation can be understood or explained.

    e.g. The equation is simple: research breeds new products...
    e.g. The party fears the equation between higher spending and higher taxes...

3. see also: equate

equation 单语例句

1. Now, we can use an equation to rip off the camouflage of the Tibetan Youth Congress.

2. Chile's President Michelle Bachelet recently defined that there are three challenges that must come first in any equation in all nations'quest for development.

3. Where love fits into the equation is every couple's closely guarded secret, but public obsession hints at conflicting values.

4. Judging whether economic interdependence produces power requires looking at the balance of asymmetries, not just at one side of the equation.

5. To be successful in this equation means performing better than the competition in avoiding consumer risks and delivering benefits.

6. With HSBC having every incentive to push through its Shanghai IPO as soon as possible, the question of any regulatory obstacles looms large in the IPO equation.

7. It can tilt the power equation quickly, especially if synchronised with military intervention to'safeguard'oil transport lines and channels.

8. On the other side of the equation, he works with the humans who consider the geese as either pets or pests.

9. His team only fulfilled half of that equation on Tuesday night, but it was still enough to earn a victory.

10. Though ideals of filial piety and the importance of family seem as strong as ever, practical realities have entered the equation.

equation 英英释义



1. the act of regarding as equal

    Synonym: equating

2. a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal

3. a state of being essentially equal or equivalent
    equally balanced

    e.g. on a par with the best

    Synonym: equalityequivalencepar

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