
erode是什么意思 erode在线翻译 erode什么意思 erode的意思 erode的翻译 erode的解释 erode的发音 erode的同义词 erode的反义词 erode的例句

erode [ɪˈrəʊd]  [ɪˈroʊd] 


erode 基本解释


不及物动词逐渐毁坏; 削弱,损害

erode 相关例句


1. Metals are eroded by acids.

2. The coast is slowly eroding away.

3. The sea erodes the rocks.

4. The stream eroded a channel in the solid rock.

erode 网络解释

1. (腐蚀):从形态学上来说,开(open)和闭(close)运算符是简单的腐蚀(erode)和膨胀(dilate)运算符的组合. 例如,开运算符的定义是先执行膨胀运算,然后执行腐蚀运算. 而闭运算符正好相反. 因此,在某种情况下可用开运算符来取代循环融合:膨胀循环可以与腐蚀组合.

2. erode的近义词

2. 侵蚀:Morphology可以说是基於edge detection的处理,对图像内亮或暗区域的边界作侵蚀(erode)或扩张(dilate). 重覆使用erode可一层一层地把肥大星点的白斑缩小.

3. 埃罗德:传说的现实依据就是教堂巨大地下室的平面图:它精确地按比例复制了埃罗德(Erode)神殿的平面图. 这座神殿是在耶路撒冷所罗门神殿的废墟上建造起来的,那曾经是骑士团首领最初驻扎过的地方,也是人们猜测中的圣格拉尔的发现地.于是圣殿骑士团的神秘将继续延续下去,

4. 侵蚀,腐蚀:erect 建立,竖立,直立的 | erode 侵蚀,腐蚀 | erudite 博学的

erode 词典解释

1. (使)侵蚀;(使)腐蚀;(使)风化
    If rock or soil erodes or is eroded by the weather, sea, or wind, it cracks and breaks so that it is gradually destroyed.

    e.g. By 1980, Miami beach had all but totally eroded...
    e.g. Once exposed, soil is quickly eroded by wind and rain.

...the deeply eroded landscape.

2. (权威、权利、信心等)逐渐丧失;削弱
    If someone's authority, right, or confidence erodes or is eroded, it is gradually destroyed or removed.


    e.g. His critics say his fumbling of the issue of reform has eroded his authority...
    e.g. America's belief in its own God-ordained uniqueness started to erode.

3. (使)贬值;(使)降价
    If the value of something erodes or is eroded by something such as inflation or age, its value decreases.

    e.g. Competition in the financial marketplace has eroded profits...
    e.g. The value of the dollar began to erode rapidly just around this time.

erode 单语例句

1. The cables are thought to include candid assessments of foreign leaders and governments and could erode trust in the US as a diplomatic partner.

2. Asia's largest refiner Sinopec said it would further cut its capital expenditure as high crude oil prices erode earnings.

3. Since the entrance of private capital would erode the influence of some monopoly groups, opposition would be very strong if there were no further detailed regulations.

4. Due to climatic changes and environmental pollution, some of the caves have begun to erode.

5. But we are obliged to turn a cold shoulder to vulgarity, so that it does not erode our social morale and misguide the younger generation.

6. An unstable currency value and runaway inflation would seriously erode the interests of the masses, Zhou said.

7. Foreign banks are focusing on certain customer segments and geographical locations, and they could easily erode local banks'seemingly established advantages.

8. That would also erode the income for the brokerages out of the brokering fees and the deposit interest rate gap.

9. One cannot help thinking that domestic investors cannot take the fundamentals wholeheartedly because there are other factors to disturb their psychology and erode their confidence.

10. Inadequate supply responses on these fronts can easily erode much of the demographic dividend.

erode 英英释义


1. remove soil or rock

    e.g. Rain eroded the terraces

    Synonym: eat awayfret

2. become ground down or deteriorate

    e.g. Her confidence eroded

    Synonym: gnawgnaw ateat atwear away

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