
eruption是什么意思 eruption在线翻译 eruption什么意思 eruption的意思 eruption的翻译 eruption的解释 eruption的发音 eruption的同义词

eruption [ɪ'rʌpʃn]  [ɪˈrʌpʃən] 


eruption 基本解释


eruption 相关例句


1. eruption的近义词

1. There have been several volcanic eruptions this year.

eruption 网络解释

1. eruption

1. 喷发:火山喷发 (Eruption) 魔法消耗:25MP 魔法. 对目标敌人位置引起地震. 5 秒间目标敌人和附近所有敌人承受每秒 (Min: 5 - Max: 34) 地系伤害. 当魔法效果消失后,区域敌人陷入 10 秒失明状态. 地之束缚 (Grasping Earth) 魔法消耗:10MP 削弱魔法.

2. 爆发:这首歌中由佩奇完成的吉他Solo在一个吉他杂志的评选中力压范.海伦乐队(Van Halen)的歌曲<<爆发>>(Eruption),被评为史上最伟大的Solo. 后面一张专辑<<荣耀之屋>>(Houses Of The Holy)继续了乐队在音乐上的实验,

3. eruption在线翻译

3. 火山爆发:黑沙漠其实是一片黄沙上散布著大大小小的黑色玄武岩,是远古时候火山爆发(eruption)留下的遗迹,远看彷佛黄色大地覆盖著一层黑色薄纱. 而白沙漠中矗立著大大小小因长年风蚀而呈香菇状的奇岩,灰白的岩石及遍地的白色细沙随著夕阳光线变化,

4. eruption

4. (乳牙)萌出:恒牙 permanent teeth | (乳牙) 萌出eruption | 神经系统 nervous system

eruption 单语例句

1. Several active volcanos in Indonesia have been predicted month before eruption and the officials raise their alert status gradually before reaching to the top.

2. The government sent trucks to the mountain before Tuesday's eruption to help carry them back to safety.

3. The venting reminded scientists of the volcano's activity 20 years ago, when it built the dome following its catastrophic 1980 eruption.

4. The most immediate threat was to livestock because of the caustic gases the eruption released.

5. The collapse of solidified lava shelf and sea cliff Monday was the largest since Kilauea Volcano began its current eruption in 1983.

6. Beijing will invoke harsher monitoring of online trade to counter an eruption of Internet fraud cases.

7. About 20 minutes after Friday's eruption, the mountain calmed and the plume began to dissipate.

8. Tightened credit has effectively prevented the eruption of a systematic financial risk in China, and left enough space for its monetary and credit policies to maneuver in 2013.

9. " It doesn't mean that an eruption is inevitable, " said Jolly.

10. The government this month ordered the preventive evacuation of thousands of people living in the shadow of the volcano amid signs of an imminent eruption.

eruption 英英释义



1. the emergence of a tooth as it breaks through the gum

2. a sudden very loud noise

    Synonym: bangclapblastbam

3. a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition)

    e.g. the outbreak of hostilities

    Synonym: outbreakirruption

4. the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material

    Synonym: volcanic eruption

5. (of volcanos) pouring out fumes or lava (or a deposit so formed)

    Synonym: eructationextravasation

6. symptom consisting of a breaking out and becoming visible

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