
estimation是什么意思 estimation在线翻译 estimation什么意思 estimation的意思 estimation的翻译 estimation的解释 estimation的发音 estimation的同义词

estimation [ˌestɪˈmeɪʃn]  [ˌɛstəˈmeʃən] 


estimation 基本解释

名词估计; 评价; 判断; 尊敬

estimation 相关例句


1. The dedicated doctor earned the estimation of his colleagues.

2. estimation

2. He comes first in my estimation.

3. He is equal to the job in my estimation.

4. His estimation of their arrival time was not far off.

5. estimation

5. In my estimation, the applicant is well qualified for this job.

estimation 网络解释

1. 估计:最终是要根据样本测定值知道样本所在的生产过程或当日生产批(总体)的质量特性平均值及离散状态.判断总体的质量特性是否处于受控状态、是否满足规范要求等等. 进行这种客观判断的手段,就是统计检验(test)与估计(estimation).

2. 预测:H.264是在MPEG-4技术的基础之上建立起来的,其编解码流程主要包括5个部分:帧间和帧内预测(Estimation)、变换(Transform)和反变换、量化2009年1月12日下午,北京君正(Ingenic)新品发布会在深圳清华大学研究院报告厅隆重举行.

3. 测算:从广义上讲,税收收入预测还应包括税收收入测算(estimation)和税收收入估算(assessment). 前者是指在税收政策、制度或征管方式发生变化和调整的情况下对税收收入量的影响的推算. 后者是通过摸清税源或税基的特征,

estimation 词典解释

1. 评价;看法;判断
    Your estimation of a person or situation is the opinion or impression that you have formed about them.


    e.g. He has gone down considerably in my estimation.
    e.g. ...Lee Dixon, the best player on the pitch in his manager's estimation.

2. 估算;估价
    An estimation is an approximate calculation of a quantity or value.

    e.g. In fact, the first group were absolutely correct in their estimation of this man's height.
    e.g. ...estimations of pre-tax profits of £2.25 million.

estimation 单语例句

1. NDP Chairwoman Cheung Yan did not comment on market estimation toward the company's surging costs and squeezing margins.

2. Li's estimation came despite public cynicism after the nation's charity sector was hit by a series of scandals last year.

3. According to our estimation, consumer behavior will not change much this year.

4. The platform is expected to contribute to agricultural yield estimation, environmental supervision and disaster prevention and control.

5. With neither cost estimation nor public poll, government pricing tends to follow departmental interests.

6. According to the estimation of business counselor McKinsey, there will be one billion people living in China's cities by 2030.

7. " They failed to make a proper estimation of the situation, " Zhang said.

8. Opinion is still divided among analysts about how much worse things could get, and many have viewed Zhang's estimation as too drastic.

9. Shi said in the article that apart from the irrationality in the quoting data, there are evident defects in the estimation methods adopted by the survey.

10. The SOA said the investigation and estimation for compensation is still underway and the result will be revealed to the public once it is decided.


estimation 英英释义


1. a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody

    e.g. many factors are involved in any estimate of human life
           in my estimation the boy is innocent

    Synonym: estimate

2. an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth

    e.g. an estimate of what it would cost
           a rough idea how long it would take

    Synonym: estimateapproximationidea

3. the respect with which a person is held

    e.g. they had a high estimation of his ability

    Synonym: estimate

4. a document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation)

    Synonym: appraisalestimate

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