
evacuate是什么意思 evacuate在线翻译 evacuate什么意思 evacuate的意思 evacuate的翻译 evacuate的解释 evacuate的发音 evacuate的同义词

evacuate [ɪˈvækjueɪt]  [ɪˈvækjuˌet] 


evacuate 基本解释

及物动词撤离,疏散; 排泄; 腾出(房子等); 除清,抽空

不及物动词疏散; 撤退; 排空(胃肠)


evacuate 相关例句


1. Fear evacuated their minds of reasons.

2. The village was evacuated because of the danger of a flood.

3. The village was evacuated because of flood.

4. The civilians were evacuated from the city to farms.

evacuate 网络解释

1. 疏散:行政部的同事让大家 安静(calm down),不要乘坐电梯(elevator),然后顺序从逃生出口(exit)疏散(evacuate). 在楼下大家都很担心余震(Aftershocks),不过无所事事的呆了一会后,觉得办公楼不会倒塌(collapse),大家又陆续回到楼上,

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 撤离,撤空:escort 护送,护卫,护航 | evacuate 撤离,撤空 | evade 规避,逃避

3. 排除,排空,排泄:ethylene oxide sterilizer 环氧乙烷消毒器 | evacuate 排除,排空,排泄 | evacuating catheter 排尿管

4. 撤退、疏散:Power Plant:发电站 | Evacuate:撤退、疏散 | Bayard:骑士,勇武异常者

evacuate 词典解释

1. 疏散;使撤离;转移
    To evacuate someone means to send them to a place of safety, away from a dangerous building, town, or area.

    e.g. They were planning to evacuate the seventy American officials still in the country...
    e.g. Since 1951, 18,000 people have been evacuated from the area.
           自1951年以来,已有18, 000人撤离了该地区。

...the evacuation of the sick and wounded...
An evacuation of the city's four-million inhabitants is planned for later this week.

2. (尤指因为危险而)撤离,撤出,搬出
    If people evacuate a place, they move out of it for a period of time, especially because it is dangerous.


    e.g. The fire is threatening about sixty homes, and residents have evacuated the area...
    e.g. Officials ordered the residents to evacuate.

...the mass evacuation of the Bosnian town of Srebrenica...
Burning sulfur from the wreck has forced evacuations from the area.

evacuate 单语例句

1. China Wednesday activated an emergency plan to evacuate its citizens from Libya by air, road and sea.

2. I had to evacuate my mom and keep her away from the house for two weeks - till the carton of Zhonghua was used up.

3. Britain has chartered two planes to evacuate its nationals in case commercial airlines are full.

4. China has sent three chartered planes to evacuate Chinese nationals living in southern Kyrgyzstan, where at least 170 people have died from violent clashes which began last Thursday.

5. This aircraft is the first chartered plane sent by the Chinese government to evacuate its nationals in Libya.

6. BEIJING - China's first chartered plane sent to evacuate its nationals from Libya left Beijing Wednesday afternoon.

7. China's first chartered plane to evacuate its nationals from Libya left Beijing Wednesday afternoon.

8. Royal Dutch Shell PLC and Chevron said they would evacuate nonessential personnel from deep water facilities but production would continue at normal levels.

9. The mission said it had mobilized helicopters and medical evacuation teams to evacuate casualties, adding that it had successfully airlifted wounded civilians.

10. The pilot was credited with safely landing the chopper in the Hudson and helping evacuate her seven passengers.


evacuate 英英释义


1. excrete or discharge from the body

    Synonym: voidempty

2. empty completely

    e.g. evacuate the bottle

3. create a vacuum in (a bulb, flask, reaction vessel)

4. move out of an unsafe location into safety

    e.g. After the earthquake, residents were evacuated

5. move people from their homes or country

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