
everlasting是什么意思 everlasting在线翻译 everlasting什么意思 everlasting的意思 everlasting的翻译 everlasting的解释 everlasting的发音

everlasting [ˌevəˈlɑ:stɪŋ]  [ˌevərˈlæstɪŋ] 


everlasting 基本解释


形容词永久的,永恒的,接连不断; 不断的,冗长的,使人厌烦的; [植]干后花的形状颜色不变的

名词永久,无穷; 〈英〉牢固耐久的毛呢; [植]蜡菊,蝶须,鼠曲草

everlasting 相关例句


1. I am tired of his everlasting complaints.

everlasting 网络解释

1. 永久的:SET室内环境服务体系意指为业主提供安全的(Safe)、永久的(Everlasting)、全面的(Total)室内环境污染咨询、检测与治理一条龙服务,它是中科院环境专家独创的室内环境污染治理服务理念,

2. everlasting什么意思

2. 永恒的:问:我了解你所说有关了知自心的体性,会带来安乐,但你用永恒的(everlasting)这个字眼,是不是说如果你完全了知你的心,你就能够超越肉体的死亡. 是这样的意思吗?

everlasting 词典解释

1. 永久的;永恒的;无穷无尽的
    Something that is everlasting never comes to an end.

    e.g. ...a message of peace and everlasting life.

2. 永恒不变的;永不停止的
    If you describe something as everlasting, you mean that it seems never to change or end.


    e.g. I have loved you with an everlasting love!...
    e.g. Sometimes the work can feel unrewarding and everlasting.

everlasting 单语例句


1. Winning athletes will receive nine red roses, as red is the luckiest color and the number nine means everlasting in Chinese tradition.

2. Even if a university president's graduation speech is full of cyber words, it is not expected to have an everlasting inspiring effect and educational value for long.

3. Hong Kong director Stanley Kwan's " Everlasting Regret " is the only Chinese film entered in Competition session.

4. A beautiful stream and bridges lead to magnificent private rooms, where red wooden floors and traditional style furniture gives an everlasting impression of traditional Shanghai.

5. Passing the Olympic flame in Taipei helps spread the Olympic spirit, and it is a great event beneficial to Taiwan compatriots and will create everlasting good.

6. Sociologists contend the varied attitudes among Chinese toward Mao badges in different eras would remain an everlasting topic for researchers.

7. The website will be preserved after the Expo ends next October, creating an everlasting virtual exhibition for future generations.

8. An everlasting bond since childhood could be embodied by the " obsolescence and wilderness " of the old houses and streets in the background.

9. Experience the everlasting charm of Peking Opera with a grand concert starring the most pedigreed of performers.

10. Leung was also nominated for " Everlasting Regret, " in which he plays a man with a crush on a lifelong friend.

everlasting 英英释义



1. any of various plants of various genera of the family Compositae having flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color

    Synonym: everlasting flower



1. continuing forever or indefinitely

    e.g. the ageless themes of love and revenge
           eternal truths
           life everlasting
           hell's perpetual fires
           the unending bliss of heaven

    Synonym: agelessaeonianeonianeternalperpetualunendingunceasing

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