
excavate是什么意思 excavate在线翻译 excavate什么意思 excavate的意思 excavate的翻译 excavate的解释 excavate的发音 excavate的同义词

excavate [ˈekskəveɪt]  [ˈɛkskəˌvet] 


excavate 基本解释


及物动词挖掘; 发掘; 开凿; 挖出


excavate 同义词

excavate 反义词


excavate 相关例句


1. excavate的近义词

1. The archaeologists excavated a buried city.

2. They plan to excavate a large hole before putting in the foundations.

3. The workmen excavated a hole in the wall to let the sewage pipe pass through.

excavate 网络解释

1. 发掘:历史:明朝十三个皇帝的陵墓当中的只有定陵(Dingling)以被发掘(excavate). 它是第十个皇帝和他的两个皇后(empress)的陵墓. 1958年首先被发掘,六十年代开始供参观. 简介:定陵由五个殿(chamber)构成,全部为石制结构. 面积为1195平方米.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 挖出:一般不需要对整个井眼注入水泥,只要将井口装置(wellhead)挖出(excavate),套管割断,然后焊接(weld)一个封盖(cap)即可. 油井可以生产石油、天然气与石油或天然气. 天然气通常是石油生产的副产品(byproduct). 在井场(well site),

3. 挖掘:exasperate 激怒 | excavate 挖掘 | exceed 超过,胜过

4. 挖出,挖掘:exclude 排外,排斥 | excavate 挖出,挖掘 | exit 出口

excavate 词典解释

1. 发掘,挖掘(古物等)
    When archaeologists or other people excavate a piece of land, they remove earth carefully from it and look for things such as pots, bones, or buildings which are buried there, in order to discover information about the past.

    e.g. A new Danish expedition is again excavating the site in annual summer digs.

...the excavation of a bronze-age boat...
In time these new excavations will require conservation.

2. 挖;开凿
    To excavate means to dig a hole in the ground, for example in order to build there.


    e.g. A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.

Our new habitation was an excavation made in the earth.
...the excavation of canals.

excavate 单语例句

1. It will take archeologists years to excavate the relics, and at least two years to display the whole ship in the Crystal Palace.

2. Liang also said there are no plans to excavate the tomb in the near future.

3. Six dredgers and four bulldozers are tumbling in mud and rubbles to hopefully excavate a life way leading to 17 missing villagers.

4. Every week a renowned expert will lecture on such topics as how to excavate fossils and on the stories behind valuable fossils.

5. But archeologists will usually not excavate such hidden treasures unless it is absolutely necessary to make way for large constructions.

6. The farmers helped save 25 survivors and excavate victims of the earthquake that struck Sichuan on May 12.

7. Builders plan to excavate a hole 12 meters deep and more than 20 meters in diameter to house the reactor.

8. Another method is to excavate deep wells and treat ground water to make it potable.

9. Scientists needed several years to excavate the fossils and publish their findings, he said.

10. We don't know whether we are any better prepared now to excavate the relics.


excavate 英英释义


1. remove the inner part or the core of

    e.g. the mining company wants to excavate the hillside

    Synonym: dighollow

2. form by hollowing

    e.g. Carnegie had a lake excavated for Princeton University's rowing team
           excavate a cavity

3. find by digging in the ground

    e.g. I dug up an old box in the garden

    Synonym: dig upturn up

4. recover through digging

    e.g. Schliemann excavated Troy
           excavate gold

    Synonym: unearth

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