
excursion是什么意思 excursion在线翻译 excursion什么意思 excursion的意思 excursion的翻译 excursion的解释 excursion的发音 excursion的同义词

excursion [ɪkˈskɜ:ʃn]  [ɪkˈskɜ:rʒn] 


excursion 基本解释


名词(尤指集体)远足; 短途旅行,游览; 离题; [机]冲程

excursion 相关例句


1. We went on an excursion to the city.

2. Your comments are an excursion from the major theme.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. We took the weekend excursion to the seashore.

4. We are planning for our excursion next week.

excursion 网络解释

1. 偏移:台积电指出,公司三厂上一季确实有部份机台在生产过程中,出现参数偏移(Excursion)的情形,惟目前内部已调整完毕,而此事件对公司第四季营运目标完全没有影响.

2. 远足:这次为期两天的远足(excursion)是我们第一门课程的一部分, 熟悉瑞典中部一片叫做Dalsland的地区旅游经济. 这里曾经是一片工业区,因为有天然的森林瀑布和湖泊于是造纸业曾经在这里很发达,可是后来由于人力成本上升以及考虑到环境保护的因素,

3. 旅行家:无论是翼虎(Maverick)、探路者(Explorer)、远征军(Expedition)、旅行家(Excursion),还是林肯的领航员(Navigator)都是各中极品,每个产品都顶着多项桂冠,绝对是一个不折不扣的豪华舰队.

excursion 词典解释

1. 短途旅行;远足
    You can refer to a short journey as an excursion, especially if it is made for pleasure or enjoyment.

    e.g. In Bermuda, Sam's father took him on an excursion to a coral barrier.

2. (尤指旅行社组织的)短途旅游
    An excursion is a trip or visit to an interesting place, especially one that is arranged or recommended by a holiday company or tourist organization.

    e.g. We also recommend a full day optional excursion to the Upper Douro...
    e.g. Another pleasant excursion is Malaga, 18 miles away.

3. 尝试;涉猎
    If you describe an activity as an excursion into something, you mean that it is an attempt to develop or understand something new that you have not experienced before.


    e.g. ...Radio 3's latest excursion into ethnic music, dance and literature...
    e.g. The few excursions into stylistic experiment do not entirely come off.

excursion 单语例句

1. " That does not mean an excursion organized for commercial purposes will always make a profit, " she said.

2. But if you consider it as a spring excursion, it is nearer than any other scenic sites on the outskirts of the city.

3. A couple of simple seafood restaurants and convenience shops near the ferry pier provide a welcome break at the end of your excursion.

4. Most visitors start their outdoor excursion at Xuanwu Lake, a favorite with locals because of its convenient location and picturesque scenery.

5. A group of 21 visually impaired Chinese joined an excursion into the desert in a project to involve more disabled people in outdoor activities.

6. If you happen to find yourself around the big city do take some time for this nice excursion into CHANEL's universe.

7. The government has perfectly planned hiking and bicycle excursion routes, as well as unique water borne experiences and an ecological villa tour.

8. The train stops at the River Kwai Bridge station for an excursion.

9. If the trip goes ahead it would be the princess'first official excursion since she was hospitalised with shingles in December last year.

10. A tour group of 129 people on two different boats was on an excursion in the Xiaolangdi Reservoir when the boat overturned and sank.

excursion 英英释义



1. wandering from the main path of a journey

    Synonym: digression

2. a journey taken for pleasure

    e.g. many summer excursions to the shore
           it was merely a pleasure trip
           after cautious sashays into the field

    Synonym: jauntoutingjunketpleasure tripexpeditionsashay

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